Equiis pact The first thing to exit the dropship was a Hunter, jumping to the center and scanning the area with a screech, before dashing off around the perimeter, assuring there was a sufficient perimeter. A single Triarian slowly moved off of a dropship. He looked around with old, weathered eyes visible through his environments visor and spoke in a wise voice, but that carried signs of being world weary. "I am Crassus..." He paused as he chewed on something "I am 208 Cycles old" The Triarian Expected Lifespan is 150. A cycle is 8 Earth Years. Biological immortality is only granted to high ranking members of society. Crassus was eligible, but had refused the biological immortality, instead keeping himself alive through his psionic ability. Some Triarii were known to take this route, as the constant use of Psionics, while requiring a lot of energy, built their strength in the same way exercise builds a muscle. "And I am here to represent the Collective" He paused, moving slowly across the room. Behind him two aides filed off, one was a much younger looking Triarian and the other was an Umbrae Populus, moving forwards in his natural chameleon like form. Forces filed off after them, securing the area as Crassus and he two aides walked forwards, following the Equestrian. Crassus moved extremely slowly through the halls, his two aides patiently moving along side him Aru'Shumi The emperor took a few steps away from the wall... he was hearing odd voices. He shook his head quickly, at first thinking it was just tired, but then realised it was more than just that. He turned and stared at the device "What is it?" The Emperor inquired "It is your future, Emperor, we shall understand each other perfectly soon enough" The Triarian using it said "What does that mean?" "My Command is your wish. Ah... your thoughts... so predictable. Come, be one with the Collective" The voices inside his head said, and then he stumbled backwards and then... yes, he could see it now. The Greater Good! They had come to spread such a doctrine! Crusaders! Princes! Warriors of what was right! He felt it all, knew it all and could see it clearly now. They were here to share with him a wonderful gift. He paused and smiled, the invasion had been for a good cause, he knew that now Little did he know that thought was not his own. Little did he know he was being controlled by the Triarii. This was the first step, now began a proper introduction into the Collective. The Collective estimated that the device would no longer be necessary after some time had passed, as they would be Collectivised in a 'true' fashion now. The Triarii who activated the beacon communicated with other Triarian Forces. This city was under complete Triarian Control... and now the Emperor and all the other members of the Royal family and Government who had been fighting in the city would go public, telling their people to join the Collective, telling them how right the Triarii were. The fact that the entire city was now in support would help dramatically Just the first step on the road to collectivizing them...