Full name (including nicknames, codenames, etc): Actual name is Bianca (Pronounced Bee-YAHNG-kah) Rooks, but refers to herself as 'Nobody' Age: 24 Gender: female Faction (Skyloran, Freedom Fighter, Rising Underground, Friskian, Cyborg, Slave): Freedom Fighter Squad A- (Advisor) Appearance: Bianca has short, wavy, dark auburn hair with nearly-black eyes. Her skin is lightly tanned, but she has a patch of white near her eye that never tans. She has a somewhat lanky figure, but at the same time it's rather graceful. She has long-fingered, delicate hands, and long, lithe legs. She often has her head tilted inquisitively. Bianca dresses smart-casual, and does not wear a skirt or dress. Ability (if Carrier): Bianca has control of electricity. She can drain the electric power from anything and use it as an attack. She can even stop bullets by using electricity to magnetize and repel them. She is deadly and knows it. Personality (both positive and negative traits): Bianca is quiet, serious, and has a motherly side to her around small children. She has rather agreeable morals and a strong sense of justice. However, she's an intimidating, dark force, and always seems to see things other don't, as well as never truly voicing any loyalties she may or may not have. She never voices her motives, and will often disappear for up to two weeks with no explanation. She, however, is not affiliating with Steel nor the Rising Underground. Brief background: Bianca's abilities showed themselves powerfully, as they become stronger with her inner emotions. Therefore, it took multiple times to quarantine her, as her powers had injured anyone who had come near her. Once released, Bianca disappeared, and came back to join the Freedom Fighters. The Freedom Fighter's first sight of her was of her painfully and mercilessly electrifying the Cyborgs from Frisk that had attempted to capture her with. She has no grudge against any Carrier nor human.