SORRY But all crew spots are taken Like in the Name, This Rp is set up in the Black Lagoon universe, but it will set in a different time, not of 2014 but a bit close to it so we have some modern things within it, so we can have some better weapons within it, This rp will be about a team of pirates/mercenaries that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia, but we will also have other events that will happen aswell, this will happen in the same city of Roanapur with Hotel Moscow still around controlling most of city and fighting against new gangs in the area, the crew that the team will be called will be Nomad Company. [img] [/img] [img] [/img] [img] [/img] [img] [/img] [u] Rules [/u] 1. Try to have good grammar. 2. No power Leveling or Auto hitting 3. No Over powered weapons or actions. 4. I'll allow the char limit be 4 at the moment. 5. No killing off or maiming someone's char without the person's permission 6. Take any arguements will be taken to the Pms, because we don't have time for that. 7. Have fun and don't go too crazy. Co-gm: MonsieurShade [u] Character sheet for crew members [/u] Name: Age: Gender: Race ( Like Chinese, Jamaican, or American): Personality: Background check: Skills/ Abilities: Equipment ( Weapons & other Random gear) : Role on the team: Vehicle ( Optional) : Appearance: [u] Character sheet for assassins [/u] Name: Age: Gender: Race: Weapon of choice: Personality: History: Appearance: [u] Character sheet for Gang leaders or gangsters [/u] Name: Age: Gender: Gang's name: Personality: History: Weapons: Appearance: ------ My Chars will be here. Name: Jack Hunter Age: 38 Gender: Male Race: American Personality: Jack is easily amused at times, and unusually-easygoing and lighthearted, he has morals that he lives by due to his old job that he use to have, Jack is is more Carefree but knows when to be a leader, he cares deeply about the crew and would hate to see any of his crew be killed or harmed. He tends to stay away from the fighting associated with Nomad Company's activities. Instead, he usually gives orders and negotiates contracts with clients, Mostly he gets jobs from the Leader of Hotel Moscow, Most of the time he is a calm, and quite friendly, but he hates it when someone messes with his stuff, be it money or his car, Background check: Jack was born in L.A, he use to be apart of a the L.A, S.W.A.T, but after a 4 man team of Bank robbers robbed a bank and killed the team he was handling he went into a depression, Jack started Drinking and gambling and was eventually fired from his job, after he was fired he started getting in debt to the L.A Russian mob. Seeing that he had nothing to lose, he started to do favors for them till he became infamous in L.A, Impressed by how much information about the L.A police force Jack had given them, The leader of Hotel Moscow, had asked for Jack to be taken to Roanapar where he was closer to them and see how he can handle a city that's tough Skills/Abilities: - Adept marksmen. - Expert mechanic - Vast knowledge of Firearms - Adept hand to hand fighter Equipment: - 2, H&k Tactical pistols - Franchi SPAS-12, in the trunk of his car. - 2 Heckler & Koch G36 rifles, in the trunk of his car. Role on the team: Leader Vehicle: - Higgins 78 ft PT boat - Grey Dodge Charger srt8 Appearance:[img] [/img] ---- Name: Alice Murray Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Brazilian Personality: Alice is a very casual person when it comes down to killing people and looting their corpse or just stealing things period, She is very Loyal to both Jack and the boss of Hotel Moscow, and Also fears them. Alice is also a " Take no shit " kinda person, she knows how to keep her head but can easily lose it when she gets angry at someone, she hates talking about her past and talking about where she is from at times. Background check: Alice grew up in a troubled part of Brazil where drugs were being pushed on a daily basis, and shoots outs were around every corner, but in the worst of it her parents were addicted to the drugs, and tried to sell her when ever they could, but she never would be bought by anyone or the dealers, when she turned 9 she was actually bought by a Russian group to be a drugs dealer disguised as a girl scout in america, the plan worked till the other gangs figured out how drugs were being sold and almost killed her, luckily the Russians were kinder and saved her, they took her with them to Roanapar and taught her how to protect herself from the locals of the city. One night when she was with a couple of her friends that she made in the city, a shoot out started up, Alice ran away from the fighting, but afterwards she was arrested just for being in the area. After seven days in the clink she was bailed out by Jack who was ordered to bail her out, she soon joined with his crew being a gunmen. Skills/Abilities: -Capable fist fighter -Adept Marksmen with hand guns, -Adept driver Equipment: - Beretta Model 93R. with selectable fire, and red laser scope - Glock 17 full auto, with extened clip - P90, with tactical strap - Ipod with head phones - Combat knife Role on the team: Gunmen Vehicle: kawasaki dirt bike. Appearance: Alice has a bronzed peachy skin tone with a mix of cute tomboyish looks, and intimidating facial features, she has black short hair that stops at her ears. she has green irises. Alice has a well-toned and lightly muscular build. At the same time, she is has a curvaceous and developed figure with well-endowed breasts and bottom. Alice sports some old childhood scars on her back and inner thighs from when her parents would beat her and when she went to prison. Alice wears a black tank top. with matching color wrist guards that stop at the ends of her forearms and start at the base of her palms and have holes for her thumbs to poke out, a dark almost military green pair of baggy cargo pants with extra pockets and dirty white kneepads, on her feet she wears a pair of Lace up boots with green strings; the boots stop past her ankles. ------ [u]Accepted chars[/u] Dimitri Santos Leon Netallo Krista Carson Ana "Fritz" Fromm ----- The boat [img] [/img]