"I can assure you we will be extremely careful. To give you a idea of how much surplus we have, and we only need a few 1000s acres at most. Take the mass of the moon we are currently on, multiply by about 100, and then thats how much the surplus of a minor farming world would yield in total mass of the plants, ands that just the a minor farming world. We could always trade for some more from you aswell, we will just throw in some more materials, or another recently discovered substance. It is next on our tour." said Black Marble. The party was lead to a small room where a bluish material sat on a desk above a large Telsa Coil, after being subjected to massive amounts of energy from the coil the substance seemed to bend the laws of physics within its local area. "We call it Element Zero, or "Eezo" for short. It is capable of bending physics and with the right conditions can be projected into what we call mass effect fields, these can be used for a wide variety of things, including FTL. It is very poisonous and causes cancerous growths in those exposed, but it does pose another interesting theory refereed to as Biotics. The Asari, who world is rich in Eezo, have it naturally in there veins without the cancerous growths. We believe with the right implants they could control miniature mass effect fields, we also believe that it may be possible for other species to survive Eezo and also gain the biotics. Of course this was all recently discovered and there are other projects we have more focus on, but it does pose some interesting ideas and other devices out of it." said Black Marble.