"Dunno," Aoi answered Tabitha, shrugging unconcernedly. He didn't have the heart to tell his partner that he wanted to mind his own business and not get all caught up in an internal dispute of a family, so that was the best he could do. He looked disinterestedly at the front of the room, cringing a bit when Haru called him fragile, but not really reacting to much. However, when Haru brought up the topic of dinner... "I'm cooking!" Aoi declared proudly, and with good reason too. He was the Star Clan's undisputed Kitchen [i]God[/i]. His foot was hiked up to the desk, using it as a footstool to lean against his knee as he stood. One could practically see his pride swelling forth... But then he 180'd back to his usual demure self with one statement: "...but I do it basically every night." He sat in his seat and resumed staring at the front. --- "WELL FLINT," Ilya began loudly and cheerfully, which... Didn't bode well for the eldest Evans child. The mischievous expression he wore didn't help either. "I did quite a lot! Would you like me to regale you with my tales of glory and sacrifice?" she asked, rhetorically. Even if Flint said know, he'd still do it anyway. Besides, it wasn't even that much, just embellishment, really. "Well I spent Friday watching some snazzy movies on Netflix, on Saturday I made a sand-castle, trained a bit, pirated some DVDs, and, of course, worked part time at ChupaCabra's!" Okay... One of those definitely wasn't like the others. Hopefully by 'working at ChupaCabra's', Ilya meant 'bartending' rather than 'being a cabaret lady'. Ilya definitely had the body for it... Food for thought. "On Sunday I just dicked around, watched anime, et cetera."