Carissa's eyes lit up when the one of the others offered her a place to stay. She hadn't slept in the city for a while so it would be nice to actually get some sleep on something that wasn't an uncovered mattress out in the abandoned suburbs. She looked over at him "Thanks man. I really appreciate anything you can give out" She said with a smile under her bandanna. She thought because he had a couch then maybe he could have a shower, and her hair had been getting a little too greasy for even her to bear it any longer. Carissa heard the woman she now knew as Sass speak up again, seemingly pointing a lot of attention towards her. She heard her questions get answered and it calmed her nerves a bit, it was exactly the answers she wanted to hear. "Thanks" She said in reply "You just don't really want to jump into an opportunity without all the details being sorted out beforehand, but all this should work out." She smiled before realizing she had yet to introduce herself. "I'm Anarcho by the way, I guess my name kinda speaks for the artwork I end up putting out."