[center][img] http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/2tlv37ycq36oaiziijj.png [/img][/center] ---- [center][b]2 MAX CHARACTERS PER PERSON// 8-10 CHARACTER SLOTS[/b] [i] You may also play an out-of-town character, but please limit these characters! [/i][/center] [u][b]Main Characters[/b][/u] [i](Please only pick one of these if you plan to be an active and dedicated player)[/i] [Hider= Caretaker] 50- 60 year old *Has a 15 year old daughter *When his first wife was pregnant, starts digging up graves looking for money *Had a daughter who he gave to an orphanage after first wife’s death; decided he couldn’t care for her alone. *Is currently remarried *First wife killed by drunk driver Relations: Father to two daughters (one sent away to another state) Was married twice; one wife dead, the other out of state Mostly a loner, with little to no social life. [/hider] [hider=Elendria Michelle Price] *27 years old *Just came into town the day the RP starts Relations: *No known relations to any of the townspeople [/hider] [hider=Daughter of Caretaker] *15 years old *Mother is out of town, visiting family Relations: Daughter of caretaker [/hider] [hider=Church Leader] *Church acted as orphanage, took care of Evil Daughter for a while *Sent antagonist away to an orphanage outside of Ashenport--she was too much trouble *Can be male or female *Heads church/orphanage as well Relations: Head of church and orphanage Acts as almost a father figure for the orphans [/hider] [hider=Town Drunk] *Knows about Caretakers first daughter, a fact most have forgotten about by now *Is 38 years old Relations: Unknown [/hider] [u] [b] Secondary Characters [/b] [/u] [i](Please only pick one of these if you have a busier schedule)[/i] [hider=Mayor] *Is 47 years old *Has served the town in one political respect or other for half of his life *Is single and has no children Relations: *Close friends to the Sheriff -like most politicians, very secretive. -no other relations known [/hider] [hider=Sheriff] *Close friends with the mayor [/hider] [hider=Lumberjack] *Just arrived in town not that long ago when the lumber mill re-opened. (Fire of 1943)[/hider] [hider=Hotel Mogul] * Has beef with the Gas Station Attendant[/hider] [hider=Gas Station Attendant] * Has beef with the Hotel Mogul[/hider] [hider=General Store Owner] *Long time resident[/hider] ---- [hider= Ashenport Map][img]http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/76i39gtmj1w2y3bxxlr0.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]1) Cemetery 2) Hospital/Asylum 3) Caretaker’s House 4) Farmer’s House 5) General Store 6) Diner 7) Mayor’s House & Lemon Orchard 8) Fishing Market 9) Church/Orphanage 10) Jail 11 Logging Mill 12) Gas Station 13) Hotel [/i]