Crassus eyes glow bright orange again. This 'Eezo' didn't seem to have a relative atomic mass of zero, nor did it seem to be a chemical element. The field allowed an odd manipulation of elements once the energy was passed through it... He shrugged and his eyes dulled as he turned to Black Marble again "You stated the 'Asari' were already exposed to this. If I might request biological reports for them, and possibly a live specimen I might be able to invent these implants you talk of, I promise I will do everything within my power to keep the specimen alive, but obviously there are risks associated with such experimentation, as always." Crassus said, as he aides stood silent, sharing glances with one another as Crassus spoke Aru'Shumi (Eng: Most honourable ones) Triarian standard name: honoratissimus aviarius (Eng: Honourable avian) The Aru'Shumi evolved from avian creatures. They are average sized aliens, their avian ancestry giving them a bird-like beak and long quills protruding from their heads like hair. Smaller quills, possibly the evolutionary remnants of feathers, can be found scattered over their bodies. Maybe the most prominent feature of the Aru'Shumi is that they evolve in two ways. The primary manner is the standard reproductive means, but they can evolve in a secondary manner by selecting traits of their defeated foes to absorb through eating them. Due to this, the inhabitants of different Aru'Shumi planets can be very diverse. This ability is very limited, however. For instance, changes are slow, and the traits that are acquired are the lower end of the spectrum. For example, eating Triarii would not grant them Psionic ability, but would result in the Aru'Shumi evolving for a minor increase in intelligence. They have a very strict structure of honour. While they do not have a god they believe in the 'Warrior Spirit'. They believe that when a warrior of any race dies, his warrior spirit should be kept, and the only way to do this is by reusing his flesh, sometimes by eating it and sometimes by turning it into clothing. With the arrival of the Triarii, the Collective has exploited this through the use of body recycling, the Aru'Shumi heavily in support of this idea. The idea of the 'Warrior Spirit' was retained as part of their culture, albeit 'Warrior Spirit' now being synonymous with a new idea from the Collective, 'Warrior Genes'. This sort of combination of culture is far from rare within the Collective Their leader is the Emperor of the Aru'Shumi, who is now a member of the Primicerii Xenos, and the Aru'Shumi are now officially a client race of the Collective. The majority of the Aru'Shumi surrendered to the Collective upon the Emperors orders, as disobeying the orders of a superior is seen as even more dishonourable than surrendering. Despite this, there is some resistance on a handful of planets, and the Collective is working quickly to stomp it out.