The bushes were starting to give Josephine an itch as she watched the side entrance of the jail. She scowled to herself and scratched her neck. "Where are they?" She mumbled to herself. Sebastian hadn't given her any other orders than to scope out the perimeter. She wasn't even sure where they had gone. After an unidentifiable amount of time watching the doors and wondering if she was going to die of boredom, she finally noticed the hurried activity up in one of the windows of what seemed to be a cell. She couldn't tell what exactly was going on so she poked out of the bushes and started to creep forward. Just as she had taken a couple steps, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "What's this, eh?" She froze and slowly looked up to see a fat police guard looking down at her with a toothy grin. She swore to herself and started to run, only to get caught again. "Not so fast, Lass. Where are you trying to go in such a rush?" Josephine took a breath and looked up at the man with a batting of her eyelashes, "I'm just trying to get home, Officer." She said, her tone flirtatious. The officer, however, did not give into her bait, "Well, we can talk more about where you came from and why you are here inside." He took her by the arm and dragged her inside the station despite all her protesting. ----------- Sebastian frowned, "I'm sure she is around here somewhere." He said as they stepped out of the carriage. He checked for his pistol and looked at Jack, watching him check his weapons as well. "Alright." He said, "Eli, you know what to do. Distract as many officers as you can. Jack and I will take the side entrances and find Alice. We'll meet back here and be back in time for Amy's cake. In and out. Try not to kill anyone if you don't need to." He nodded at the two of them before sending them to their positions and taking his own.