[b]Post-Slam 17 months later Etna National Park Outskirts of the Castello Cartel Hideout 10km from Catania, Sicily[/b] Kiba had just watched his opponent summon a Mecha out of thin air and was helplessly kicked aside “Holy shit!” He gasped [i]This guy packs one hell of a punch, where the fuck did that thing even come from?[/i] Kiba thought. With the existence of Cyborgs and rumors of other supermen who could take on giant robots did not seem totally implausible to Kiba. But magic circles that summoned mechs strained credulity far too greatly. Kiba prepared his mech to get up and began firing all of his auto-canons in a deadly barrage that shredded trees in the area "Hahahahaha try some of this you fucker!"