So the promised "Have settings that zones you with people of the same settings" and assorted things that were supposed to help RPing fell rather short for now. As it seems now, RPing on TESO is limited to people you know already and RP with, or via Guilds. So I decided to join a RP Guild. It is not a large one as of yet, barely having 20 members, but I have full confidence that it will grow and become a well RP Guild. The name of the Guild is "Lions of High Rock". It has a website [url=]LINK here[/url] and will hold it's first meeting tomorrow at 7pm EST. If I can afford to be online at that time (Germany is rather shorthanded with such timezoning >_>), then I will be on then. And for those that want to add me for the lulz, I am sitting on the NA server, @ZomfgLOLlipop