Willow couldn't help that she was excited, it was the first time she'd interacted with any other heroes in such a long time. "Behave," Artemis had said, "Don't get killed, or I'll kill you." An hour or two of rambling and lectures later, she'd left with her father to end up here. From what she heard, there'd be just five of them, including her. Her father and Batman were friends, so naturally, he told him before anyone else. By that logic, Willow knew, too. Well, she knew from what she heard while snooping in on the conversation (the snooping which was, of course, interrupted by Dick finding her hiding in the closet). There would be at least two alien sort of people, one she noted was Martian. The other could have been Kryptonian or Lantern, but she hadn't caught on in time, as they were the last to be explained. There would of course, be the boy wonder, one other girl, and then herself. She was fortunate to be here in the first place. Willow was lucky that Dick was good with words, and that her mother had a hard time saying no to Wally, or else, Artemis would've never allowed her to come out of "hiding", so to speak. She wondered if the other kids, besides Robin, knew who she was. Not very likely, but it would've been awesome either way. Maybe Artemis would even warm up to the idea more, if she did a good job... Apparently, something else she also heard, was that Bats had a mission for them right away. Was it urgent? Was it exciting? Was it dangerous?! She was thinking of so many things at once that she almost didn't notice she was about to miss her turn. "Woah, woah, watch out, kiddo," Wally said, gently grabbing the back of her suit before she ran into the building she was heading for. "Don't get distracted, if you get hurt, your mom will kill you. Or more importantly, she'll kill me." He joked, releasing her again. She managed an awkward smile. "Sorry, but there's a lot to think about. What kind of mission does Batman have?" Willow asked, getting back in pace with her father. "Not sure, but I know the league's going to be busy today. Your mom and brother are already off." She wondered why her brother didn't want to come today, why he didn't want to be a part of it. Her mother always trusted him more, insisted he should be on the team, but he denied. He worked with mom or alone, no teams, nothing. He was almost as cold towards Willow as she was towards Artemis, and she could never pinpoint why. Hey, she had a reason, her mom never let her do anything. He, on the other hand, didn't. "You're late, Wally." Dick greeted once they were inside. "But lucky for you, so is everyone else, except M'gann. And myself. So I'll let it slide." Willow looked around at the base. Since her father was distracted, she didn't comment on it, but it was as awesome as she expected it to be. In a mountain? Awesome. She'd been told it was, but hadn't believed it. This was a big room, must've been the training room, or the room they got their missions in. As her dad began to converse, Willow's suspicions were proven. There was at least a Martian, and she presumed the Boy Wonder, who was probably off being a bat somewhere, as she didn't see him. Probably climbing on things, hiding. Whatever bats do. The Martian seemed to be getting a pep talk from Miss Martian [i]Miss Martian has a kid? Is she Mrs. Martian now?[/i] Willow thought to herself, crossing her arms as she stood beside her father, zoned out of their conversation. She hoped the others would show up soon. She missed being out in the action. "Now, Charlie, be nice to everyone, listen to your Den mother whenever a new one is assigned, remember Earth culture, and work with your team. But most importantly, make some friends." Charlie shifted uncomfortably as he received a hug from his Mother. "Now I have to go, but good luck on your first day. Batman already has a mission for you." "Sure thing, Mom." He said with a smile, hugging her in return. She quickly said goodbye to Wally (who had mentioned some innuendo, of course) and then to Batman, before she left. Charlie looked around awkwardly, before turning invisible and sitting on the floor. Maybe if he stayed this way, he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Maybe they wouldn't notice him, if he was lucky. He didn't want to do this. At all. Ever.