Name: Lynn Stroud Gender: Female Age: 21 [url=]Appearance[/url] Personality: Lynn is a pessimistic and distrustful person, living her life from day to day, all her efforts fixed only on surviving, no matter whom she has to cross for that purpose. The latter being the reason she keeps away from too much contact with other people. She has perfected her way of hiding her feelings underneath a mask of nonchalance and people think her cold-hearted and unfeeling, though she is none of those things, but she learned that showing any signs of emotions can do her no good. She is confident in her abilities and way more intelligent than others think her to be. History/Biography: Growing up on the streets with no recollection of how she ever ended up there, Lynn had to learn fast that when it comes to survival, noone would help her if it endagered their own. Thiefing to have something to eat, getting regularly beaten up when caught or even by other streetrats like herself for what little she had managed to get deepened that distrusting notion now deeply ingrained inside her. As she grew holder she had to learn that thiefing alone sometimes wasn't enough and that she was able to do anything to keep her life, even if it meant taking anothers. Emplacement of future Slave Brand: in the middle of her back, between her schoulder blades ooc.I'll add some things to the personality and bio soon, it's a little meager like this, but I like to keep it a little vague so that whatever I come up with later doesn't have to exactly fit with whatever I had first thought of