The rest of the day passed by in a haze and Helen found herself at home, subconsciously picking at the skirt she was wearing. Sighing angrily, she pulled the skirt off and slipped into her old leather pants and a brown V-neck, pulling on her leather jacket and combat boots. Helen never really liked these type of outfits, caused too much attention; but she figured it was her first high school party, she might well make the most of it. Once dressed, she left the house and climbed into her jeep. Her parents were not home yet, so she left a note on the fridge and was happy to know that family night had been avoided successfully. Helen drove carefully and it actually took her awhile to find that creepy house Cara is known for...well, supposedly (Helen had asked around about her earlier on in the day). The house was daunting and creepy, sending shivers down her spine, but Helen just shrugged it off and approached the door. "Okay, Helen, no chickening. Ring the door bell." She told herself, scowling at an invisible face. A hesitant hand reached out and jammed the button. [i]Ding dong.[/i]