The two arrows stuck into trees on either side of Damien's shoulders, causing his heart to jump into his throat. Damien stood up and drew his bow, aiming at whatever being was closest to him, probably Zabrina, since she was all angelled-out. His heart raced. He was fearful, and very focused. he knew he had been seen, and shot at, and for whatever reason, had not simply been killed, but he wasn't sure what his next move would be. Alex started off for home, but Damien didn't see turning his back as an option. He stood up, arrow ready to fire, but he didn't let it go. Something made him hesitate to harm the angels. He swallowed, and shouted back, "I will not let fear rule me!" He looked down the shaft of his arrow at each of them, not sure who to target. perhaps killing one of them would help his kin survive. If this were some kind of mass attack on the village about to happen, perhaps he could slow them down and give Alex enough time to give warning to the villagers. A second or so later, Damien released his arrow at Hircine, who looked the most menacing. "Die demon!" He immediately reached for another arrow as the first one went off, trying to do as much damage as he could before he had to either dodge or die.