[center]" Thank you," Trixxtal smiled, finding comfort in the warmth of Jecht's hand on his shoulder. While finding a magical island that changed location repeatedly sounded impossible, he had faith in Jecht and his crew and if anyone could get to Never Island, it was Jecht. It looked like the road ahead of them would be a long and treacherous one, but he was ready. And he was prepared to wait as long as it took to reunite Protettore with his parents. " I really mean it Jecht, thank you so much," He patted the hand on his shoulder before it retreated and nodded, " Yeah, I'll see you soon," He was ready to return to his room until Jecht's voice brought him back. " Oh really?" He smiled mischievously, " I might have to take you up on th-" " CAPTAIN!!!" Footsteps raced towards them and a generic crew member appeared on the top of the stairs, " WE HAVE A SITUATION!" " What?" Trixxtal snapped before Jecht could speak, pissed that he had gotten cockblocked. " What could possibly be so important that you interrupted us?" The crew member was shaking and his face was pale, " Y-y-you have to come see!" Still annoyed, Trixxtal roughly pushed past Jecht and stormed up the stairs, " The deck had better be on fire, I swear to god," When he arrived on deck, he saw what the guy had been talking about. The unconscious bodies of the crew members littered the floor, spread out across the deck that made it look like they had all gone down at the same time. In the center stood a thin shadow, the darkness of night hiding any distinguishing features. The man who had alerted them rested at the shadow's feet, freshly unconscious and snoring deeply. Trixxtal felt his shoulders tense and his fists curl as the shadow stepped closer, the moonlight now revealing his face. " Sup?" The blond nodded, two dark circular pieces of glass shielding his eyes, " 'M lookin' for someone. Y'seen 'em?"[/center]