[center] "What the hell?"muttered the captain, arriving at last to see his crew unconscious. The intruder was standing in the moonlight, a strange type of helmet on top of his head and what looked like to be black steel covering where his eyes should be. Jecht's own eyes narrowed, puzzled at the situation; an intruder with strange armor and clothing and magic powers to subdue his feared vampire crew, and all on his own, had randomly made his way onto his ship. His current feelings were definitely foreign to him; the vampirate felt a bit intimidated. Jecht scowled, angered that in front of him was a being probably stronger than he was, and stepped in front of Trixxtal. The wizard was searching for someone, hopefully he was not seeking the sleeping child they had just rescued. The golden hook shining in the moonlight, Jecht growled at the stranger, "Leave this ship at once, wizard! Obviously, the one you seek is not present." [/center]