[i]"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Ten shrieked as he ran into the desert as fast as he could, whimpering. But Meesha kept his eyes on Katherine. He then closed his eyes, and reached behind his back for his Machina daggers. With complete silence and stillness, Meesha grabbed his daggers, and held them outwards towards Katherine. With his eyes still closed, He looked completely focused, calculating, plotting his next move. Suspense filled the air as he moved each of his arms to point in opposite directions and stood still in this stance, resembling a cross, preparing for some type of attack.[/i] Meesha gave a big smile, opened his eyes, and delightfully said "Okay." then dropped his daggers. "I surrender." "...........Ummm........Alright then......" Katherine said, a bit taken back by the answer. She rested her scythe on her shoulder and shrugged. "Not exactly what I was expecting.... but okay then, let's get moving." she said motioning Meesha to take the lead. At first, the odd looking pair were silent, until Katherine side, bored, and decided to ask some questions. "Sooo...... Apparently they didn't get your name, so if ya don't mind, what's your name?" She asked casually, shifting her scythe from one shoulder to another. They where now a bit further down the road and the sun was setting in the distance. In a few hours it would be dark, but the town wasn't too far away. They where now a few miles out from the original sight of the ambush, and in the back of Katherine's mind, she was wary of the robot companion that had fled. Whether it had ran out of fear or to get the drop on her, she decided to simply wait and let things unfold as they did. She figured as long she didn't let her guard down, she would be fine.