[center][b]Hideki[/b][/center] --- Hideki let out a yawn as he walked around the streets of Tokyo. He was contemplating where he would go next as he didn't really plan ahead much. He was thinking and at the same time walking, which was rather difficult. He stopped at a pedestrian's lane because the road sign had just turned to 'Stop'. This gave him some time to think. Hideki looked down and started thinking more. Then he thought of something. 'I'll go buy some horror novels,' Hideki thought. A smiled appeared on his face. He was excited to get at least a few novels of the horror genre. Hideki has been an avid fan of said genre for a long time. He was usually intrigued with the situation of the characters, wondering how and why they could experience such terror. But he shrugged it off since they're all fictional. With his thought of buying some novels, Hideki decided to go to the mall and go to the bookstore there. He was hoping that there were some good new stories that he could possibly enjoy. As soon as he arrived at the mall he walked to the direction where the store was located. Upon reaching his destination, Hideki was rather pleased because there were a lot of new stories. He picked out a few, about 7, and decided that that was enough. He walked to the cashier and gave the money needed to pay for the books. After the transaction Hideki left the store. Now that he has bought some new novels he thought of what to do next. It didn't take much time for Hideki to think since his stomach answered for him. He was hungry. Hideki decided to get something to eat so he went to the food court in the mall. He was looking for a takoyaki stand. He was successful in doing so and bought a few pieces. He ate them and then decided that that he spent enough time in the mall. He decided to exit the place and go roam around the city some more. And so he did. Some time later he decided to take a breather and go to the park. After arriving there he took a seat on a bench and let out a sigh. Hideki was exhausted what with all that walking around. He'd bought a can of orange soda from the vending machine earlier, just in case he wanted to take a rest. He opened it and took a sip. "Refreshing~", Hideki said. He then took another sip before putting down the can next to him on the bench. Hideki looked at the paper bag which contained the novels he'd bought. He smiled and opened it, taking one out of the bag. He opened it and started reading and from time to time took a sip from the can. 'I've never been more relaxed...', Hideki thought and kept reading, not letting anybody disturb him. --- [center][b]Yoshimi[/b][/center] --- The train finally arrived at Yoshimi's destination. She went out the train and exited the station. After reaching the outside Yoshimi stretched out her body a bit and then let out a deep breath. "Tokyo is still beautiful as ever," Yoshimi said to herself as she was looking around. The memories of her when she visited this city when she was still a child came flooding back to her. She smiled with the sudden return of these memories. But then she remembered that she was here to meet Nikko so she shouldn't take her time strolling around alone in the city because she might keep him waiting. They decided to meet at a park. Since Yoshimi always used to go to Tokyo when she was young she'd almost memorized the place. She tried to remember where it was because a lot has changed in Tokyo. "Hmm... That place is in this district... It's not too far from here~", Yoshimi said to herself, trying to recall where it exactly is. Then she smiled. "Ah, I remember now~", she said. Yoshimi started walking around, turning a few corners. Sometime later she arrived at the park where they decided to meet up in. "Here we are~ Ehehe, I hope I don't scare him with this spear...", Yoshimi said nervously then walked around the park, trying to find Nikko. She assumed that he wasn't there yet so she decided to take a seat near the fountain first. But as she was heading to the fountain she saw a figure wearing a jacket and holding an umbrella. "Hmm?", Yoshimi thought as she approached the person. "Excuse me~", she said. "Hey there, Nikko-kun~" --- [center][b]Harashi[/b][/center] --- Harashi sighed as the train opened its doors. He'd finally arrived at Tokyo. He ran a hand through his hair as he went out the train and exited the station. He yawned. 'Hmm... Tokyo isn't as extravagant as I thought it was,' Harashi thought and started walking to the nearest mall in the area. He sighed once more because he had to go through the pain of trying to find the mall. Harashi knows the layout of Tokyo a bit and was trying to remember where it was. 'What a pain...', he thought, still walking. 'I think I'm close though...', Harashi thought. The next corner he turned and the mall was already in front of him. 'I knew it,' he thought and smiled. Harashi entered the mall. It was lunchtime on a Saturday and there were a lot of students, like him, in the mall who were hanging out with their friends. 'There sure are a lot of people here... Well, it is the weekend. So I shouldn't really doubt anything,' Harashi thought then scratched the back of his head. 'Man, it's loud... What a pain in the head,' he thought then sighed. He ignored the noise and just started to walk to the bookstore. He arrived at his destination and picked out several Science and English books and then walked to the cashier to pay for them. After that he exited the store. 'Alright, now that I've bought these books... What should I do now?', Harashi thought. Then suddenly his stomach grumbled. He forgot to eat before leaving, and his grandmother wasn't able to remind him to eat. 'Well, I still have a good amount of money... I should get something to eat,' he thought and nodded a bit. He started to walk to the nearest fast food restaurant. He bought a burger and a sundae. He took the time to eat them. "Alright, good to go," Harashi said to himself after eating and then left the place. 'I wonder if I should go home now or stay here for a while,' Harashi thought to himself. 'Eh, guess I'll stay a bit. It wouldn't hurt,' he thought and then went out the mall. He walked around a bit but he didn't go far from the train station because he might get lost. As if he would though. He looked around at the stuff that the stores outside sold. He didn't plan on getting anything that would put a big dent on his allowance so he just looked at the merchandises. "Sigh, if only I had a bit more money~", Harashi told himself and then kept roaming around until he felt tired and decided to take a break in the park and wait a little before going home. He saw that there was a vending machine nearby and decided to buy a drink. He got a can of root beer. He took a seat at the nearest bench, opened the container and then started drinking. 'That's refreshing,' he thought. He decided to just lounge around the park for a while. He took one of the books he bought and started reading it. 'Time to play the waiting game now...', Harashi thought.