(T'charrl the alien moth prince) T'charrl let out a sigh, he was just wanting to help and was just going to try and gain some experience when he was out and about. They didn't know the full story, he didn't even know if he wanted to tell them what happened out there without making them even more angry. It just went all wrong fairly quickly all those days ago, he had thought he was stupid for many days after that and was well aware that people were going to be angry with him. If he hadn't been so quick to go on such a mission then everything probably would had been okay, but he was itching to get into combat. He was a warrior at heart, these people just didn't understand that. Letting out a sigh, he looked between the doctor and his rescuers as they went on about their planet's struggles that they really didn't need to get into if possible, there was no telling whether their enemy had contact with other creatures from beyond just incase things tilted completely out of their favour. Frowning, he leaned back, looking to Renthal, "He's right, I mean...I'm smart enough to follow your instructions, I don't dare disrespect your advice..." T'charrl was just beginning to relax again, moving his head back down before he was suddenly brought to alert as a royal guard showed themselves. He knew what was coming and he was pretty worried, even though he had requested this. He didn't think it would be this soon, he did hope that she wasn't going to get angry over what happened but it didn't seem like that was not going to be the case. He was pretty fearful over what might happen, she was a fierce creature and she was ready to show it. Hearing her approaching followed by a pained yelp from one of the guards. He pulled back slightly on the bed as he watched her come raging in, her sights immediately set on him, "Uhh I-I was-...I mean I-I-" Getting cut off by the Captain, he stared at him only to watch as he was also hit out of the way and also onto the floor, "M-Mother, please, I-" Yelping as he was slapped clear off the bed and onto the floor, landing with a pretty solid thump. T'charrl was fairly scared and a little saddened, he didn't want to disappoint her when he first set off but he returned with not only disappointment coming from her but also anger and a great deal of it. Frowning, he slowly raised his secondary arms to shield himself with the other two keeping him steady if a bit wobbly. He was pretty worried that she might blow her top just that little bit more that she'd hit him like she did the guard outside, he wouldn't be able to withstand that. Keeping his head low and his eyes closed, he shook a little, too afraid to answer her until he felt her touch his face. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked up to her before lowering his gaze, his hands dropping down, "...I'm sorry...just-...I was trying to make you proud...to show you I am strong, that I could do it..." Shu was a little worried over what was happening before, but when the Queen was suddenly heard coming down the corridor the sounds of her slapping the guard away frightened him. Hurrying behind Yumi, he peered out just as she came stomping into the room. For a giant bug woman she certainly was fairly scary, his eyes watching her before he immediately squeaked when she slapped down the Captain, stood on him before hitting her son off the bed completely. He didn't know what was going on, everything was frightening him right now and luckily the woman hadn't taken notice of him. Frowning, he slowly peered out as he looked up to Yumi, "...Are...all mothers like this...?"