Leith sat in the dining hall, eating breakfast. He had quickly fell into a routine during the months he had been at the college. It'd start with him waking up early, if he even got to sleep; getting ready for the day, caring for the plants he had amassed in his room, going for breakfast, and finally, training with Deven and Jenna. At first, Leith didn't think that he'd need to learn how to use a weapon, but when he thought back to what happened to him, he realized that learning how to defend himself would be ideal. After a few months, Leith was competent with a dagger, although they did learn that he was lacking in both strength and stamina. Leith was amazed that it had been six months since he had arrived at the college. It had only felt like it had been only a couple months to him, but the things that he had learned proved otherwise. The most interesting one being that Psychomancers could hear the buzzing in his head. He had come to this realization when several people he had walked by complained about a constant buzzing noise they suddenly heard, and when he had asked Ssarak about it, the Esyire confirmed it. As Leith looked around the hall, he figured that it would be an interesting day. As early as he had been up, Leith had noticed the hustle and bustle of staff members everywhere. Dignitaries from both Eania and Djarkel were supposed to arrive, and everyone was doing last minute preparations for the arrival. Merchants and other people had already arrived, and were waiting for the dignitaries to make their entrance. When he was done eating, he put his plate away and left the dining hall. He was bored. With nothing better to do for a while, Leith wandered the halls. After a few minutes, Leith turned a corner and bumped into someone, knocking him to the ground. He looked up to see the girl he had run into and Ssarak. "Ah, sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going," Leith said as he stood up and brushed himself off. "I don't think we've met. I've seen you around, but I don't think we've actually talked. My name's Leith."