[center]" Whoa, what," Valerio jumped when a parrot appeared randomly and picked at his headphones. Of course there would be a parrot, these were pirates afterall. " What the fuck are you doing, get away from me," he tried swatting the multicolored bird away but it just continued flapping around his face, being annoying as hell. And as much as he wanted it to stop, he couldn't use his magic to stop it. Long ago, when he was a child, he made a vow to himself that no matter what, he would never use his magic to harm or endanger animals of any species. Sure, he had been younger and much more naive, but a promise was a promise and no matter how much the situation called for it, he wouldn't harm an animal. " Gah, fuckin' bird!" The parrot was obviously doing its job of distracting Valerio because he had no idea of what Jecht was doing. He didn't even notice the storm cloud collecting overhead and the electricity collecting in the pirates hand until it was coming straight for him, too fast for him to deflect it. The lightening strike hit him on his right side and he cried out in pain. Since when could vampires summon lightening? What kind of shit was this? His back hit the wooden deck below him and another grunt left his lips. His vision was blurry and his body was tingling, but he wobbly got up on his feet. His glasses were calculating numbers and running equations and it was clear that they wouldn't be of any use in this battle; the thunder had messed with their programming. He turned them off with a shaky hand and the lit screen faded and his glasses turned back into simple shades, " Ok, if that's how you wanna play, fine by me." He pushed the pain in his side to the back of his mind and raised his fists. [i]Who would've thought I'd be caught in this life? Let's celebrate with a toast and get lost in tonight and make it all light up Wait until the sun goes down, we gon' make this bitch light up[/i] As the lyrics tumbled from his mouth, his hands lit up, flames wrapping around his fists. While his brother relied on visual magic for big spells, Valerio used audio, mostly using 21st century rap lyrics to create his spells. WIth his fists completely consumed in flames, Valerio charged towards the vampire, making a swing towards his pretty face.[/center]