[b]Colony 257[/b] [i]Then you seem to have neglected this part of your territory as we have been in this space for quite some time already. We are of no threat to you, obviously. We're only fifty ships; this is a patrol fleet only. May we please work this out in a peaceful manner, we are not going to harm your ships or people in any way, we do not intend it[/i] replied the fleet master. He peered out his window, in the field of energy. Easily breakable if they had the right weapons on them, but they didn't. They're only a patrol fleet. However, he could see..different ships orbiting around the remnants of the colony- radars showed the same thing. He sent another message [i]We again mean no harm, however any miners located on the remnants of this planet might be killed very soon from whatever those ships-presumably not from your origin- are doing[/i]