[b]Offer to the Hach[/b] "We understand your empire remains relatively weak, but we wish to help you. We have decided that we want to invite you to the Equiis Pact. We have a copy of treaty enclosed here, and you will also receive access to the quantum gates that lead to other galaxies, vastly increasing your ability to expand." [hider=Treaty]This treaty bounds the member nations of the Equiis Pact to its agreements. The Equiis Pact is meant to help nations cooperate together in a economic, military, and scientific union. Economy: To help nations better cooperate on economic matters all member nations of the treaty shall maintain free trade policies towards each other. No tariffs on good or materials may be applied, and all citizens of member nations may invest there capital in other nations economies without the interference of the nation. Military: While all member nations may maintain there own militaries there shall be a Pact Military, that consists of the most prestigious soldiers, most advanced weapons, and the best ships that the nations of the Equiis Pact are capable of producing. The command of this military shall be delegated to its commanders, with directives being applied by member nations. Scientific All nations shall cooperate in a scientific union, where in all technologies available to member nations are shared. All nations will contribute resources and scientists to nations to help towards its goals, and all nations shall decide on what is to be researched. Diplomacy The Equiis Pact nations, when conducting matters of diplomacy towards other nations, all Equiis Pact nations shall be considering a single entity. Immigration All citizens of member nations are considering Equiis Pact citizens, and are allowed to go live and work in other nations as they please. Member nations shall retain open border policies towards other nations in the Pact.[/hider]