Cara took her time getting to the door. When she finally forced open the heavy, creaky door, Cara greeted her two classmates with an awkward smile. She shivered in the cold night air and retreated backwards into the hall. "You're the first here," she said by way of greeting. "Come on in," Cara stepped back to allow the pair to walk in. She paused in the hall to push the door shut. This required some effort. The hallway was dark but even in the dark, it was evident that the house was old fashioned and ornate. A stuffed moose's head hung sadly on the wall beside a large, gold-frames mirror. Cara led the others into a plush-red carpeted room. The main feature was the big oak fireplace, where a fire was roaring away. On the opposite side of the room, a matching oak table was laden with finger foods and bottles containing various types of alcohol and soft drinks. The room was well-lit, unlike the hall, and seemed a little more normal. The lack of music or party atmosphere made the otherwise pretty room seem uncomfortable. The only sound was the crackling of huge fireplace, until Cara spoke. "I don't... I don't actually have any music for my music system," she said apologetically. "The party will get going when everybody else gets here." Cara gestured to the sofa against one wall. "Please, sit," she said, seating herself in an armchair. Cara didn't seem aware of how outdated her surroundings were.