[quote=xAsunaWolfx] /.\ hope im welcome here since i created that topic, but i just came in here to say i love spore!!! lol you should also look at sims and project spark ^.^. there are games out there but i'm sure a new one made with evolution would be always popular. [/quote] (/'-')/ _|__|_ No! You started a science vs religion debate! Get out! *Teasing* You're not suddenly not going to be welcomed because you brought up a controversial topic. :P People here do that all the time. [quote=Kestrel] MMO's work because people have roles to work within during a fight or raid. A lot of people choose their roles very carefully. Going by the holy trinity (dps, tank, heal) when I roll a tank, it's build and equipment will be completely different from a dps. However, dps are pretty much always the most popular role, so chances would very likely be that if I'm in a raid and my healer disconnects, my character, a few minutes later, revives as a dps with more HP but no way to hold aggro. There goes all my effort in building my character for the role as tank, and to top it off, I'm not even a valid DPS.Also, this would feel like a cheat because player skill can keep a shitty character alive longer than a n00b with godlike settings. If there's randomised stats, there are seriously people who will spend a day reseting until they get the right starting stats (thankfully most games don't have this feature anymore.) The idea sounds interesting on paper, but unless you've got a heavily modified system around it, I don't see it keeping players for very long before they move on. [/quote] Some MMO's like Guild Wars don't rely as much on such roles. The MMO would have to break away from typical team combat like that and allow for people to be more independent but still encouraged to work as a team. Once that happens there shouldn't be much concern with roles. Though I'm looking at this more from a "This would be cool to see/watch" standpoint than a "This would make a good game" standpoint. Though, those who spend a day resetting for good stats would be kind of silly if it randomizes again each death anyhow.