Relic sighed. He'd hoped she wouldn't call him that, but now the name would stick for the rest of the night, and probably forever. [i]Should have just kept it Architect, Nate. You blew it.[/i] He shook his head, resigning himself to his fate, and memorized the names around him. Well, code-names, anyways. He wasn't sure if anyone would ever share their real names. He glanced at Gray, confused by the question. "That's what the girl said, I think. It's just a matter of when and where. A watch patrol will probably be sweeping through here soon, so our business is limited by time. Then I'll need a few moments to remember the schematics of wherever we're going." He was more rambling to himself than anyone in particular. "The guards will definitely cause problems, especially since the X marks are very important to the officials. We'll have to be quick, light on our feet, and able to get the hell out of dodge." "I'm not actually an artist," he admitted. "I'm an inventor, an engineer. I designed Northgate as it is now, but I never expected it to go this far."