[b]Near the cave complex[/b] Inside the Astafanel, Rastun attempts to communicate with High Command. Even if this era has a more stable timeline than the one he just came from, it's still a catastrophe on many levels and contact would more than likely be impossible. Still, there's no harm in trying. Rastun opens up his comm to the usual High Command channels and says, "High Command, this is Rastun. Can you hear me?" No response, as expected. He tries again, however. "I repeat, this is Rastun, can you hear me?" Still nothing. Clearly his signal won't get through at the moment, so he stops and gets out of his Chronoframe. He walks back into the cave complex and goes towards the two Cybertronians. Being around them outside of his machine makes him feel uncomfortably small at times, but he can cope. "I couldn't establish contact with my superiors," he says to them, then follows up with, "And where did all of these computers come from?"