Tzich shrugged, folded his arms and leaned his back against the door. "I'm sure Lucifer would agree with you, but there's a contract to abide by. Your parents got to keep you and raise you like any old normal kid for the first twenty-one years, no interference, no contact. And that has been done." He leaned his head against the glass of the door and frowned at the back of her head. She was taking this a bit better than he'd thought she might -- but not as well as he could have hoped. He glanced out at the height of the sun. "What else are you gonna do with your life? Wait tables? Go to college and drown in debt? Meet some rich tycoon, get married, have two kids, get divorced, die miserable? Why be normal when you could be beating the shit out of demons and feeding them to the fire?" He tapped impatient fingers on his elbow. "You'd be saving people," he added as an afterthought. He figured maybe since she'd been raised human, she might care about that sort of thing. "Those serial murderers, gang rapists and politicians are all either being manipulated by a rogue demon or are possessed themselves. Nobody can spot them -- nobody can fight them -- except you and me." He waited awhile for this to sink in, and he shifted to his feet and pulled the door open. Daylight streamed in, warm and welcoming. "Whatever you'd rather do, you're going to want to test yourself before another one of those rogues comes looking for your blood. I can't rescue you every time."