[b]Colony 257[/b] "He looks like a Ted" said the boy as he walked over to where the conversation was "You know, since they're human-people...things" He was referring to the nameless draconian. "The human name...it's fitting almost. How did you know that was a human name?" asked the dad. They boy simply ignored the question, and said "Maybe Tod, you like Ted or Tod?" he asked. "Kent, I don't know how much longer they can keep an opening to the colonial base alive" said Kal. He turned to the foriengers and said "Hi, name's Kal. I am directing this little show, however we're meeting much more resistance than we had expected- even then we expected a lot. The foreign military has us pinned down with drughan blasters, rifles and automatics. we're holding up currently with nothing but plasma weapons smuggled in from other colonies or pirate outposts. The military here, they call themselves the colonial military, we call them the militia. They're sympathetic to us, unlike the foreign Hach military-they came from one of the states or holy planets, probably. Here though, any military stationed in a colony is usually more sympathetic, they hand out more rations, they give us supplies-weapons. We have a pathway in the hills that can lead us to the militia's base. That's how we're gonna get you all off." he said. An explosion could be heard nearby, followed by gunfire and plasma. "We need to leave" said Kal. He motioned for them to enter a truck, with a large cart latched to the truck's back. It could hold a dozen people at most. enough for the foreigners and the family. Kal entered the truck, followed by two other Haches. The rest of the people-the other eight- entered a seperate truck, following close behind. The manager and cook stayed behind, popping flares down onto the crops. Their job was to hold the farm, and use it as a marker for more insurrectionists to drop down and help keep the fighting alive. More enemy military C-crafts dropped down on the farm outside the valley-their temporary base. As if in a stroke of luck for the enemy, numerous boxs containing Gult missiles entered the fray. Lep soldiers and Comu mechanics were also dropped down. Koyot troops acompanied by numerous battle mechs were also carried down. Cobra jeeps and Conda tanks stacked to the brim with ammunitions and supplies were brought down as well. Any fighting that would happen in this large valley, the enemy could last for years.