Name: Dimitri Santos Age: 26 Gender: Male Race ( Like Chinese, Jamaican, or American): Dominican/American Personality: Dimitri tends to come off as snarky and somewhat blunt both in most of his actions and in the manner he speaks. Despite his crude mannerisms however, he does care quite a bit about the crew and often regards them as his family. Dimitri is also extremely passionate about his hobby (creating explosives) Background check: Before joining Jack, Dimitri was a somewhat plucky kid who's grand parents came to the US from the Dominican republic, believing America to be the land of opportunity that everyone said it was. Despite a rocky start, his grandparents managed to carve out a living and in time raised a daughter who eventually married a soldier. When he turned 18 Dimitri joined the army in an effort to follow in his father's footsteps, and ended passing through basic training without incident. Dimitri was dishonorably discharged about two years into his service for getting into a fist fight with a superior officer, and lacking the kind of skills for a civilian job, became a mercenary for hire. Three more years down the road he met Jack Hunter who offered him a more stable career than just living on whatever he could scrounge up for a job. He's been with Jack ever since then. Skills/ Abilities: -Explosives expert (if has the potential to blow up, he WILL find a way to make it do so) -Moderate skills in hand to hand combat -Excellent trap layer/diffuser Equipment ( Weapons & other Random gear) : -Mossberg 500A -Sig Sauer M1911 -Trench knife -Various explosive devices (as many as he can carry without it being a hindrance) Role on the team: Demolitions Expert Vehicle ( Optional) : A black 2004 Kawasaki ZX-250C Appearance: [url=]Right here[/url]