[u]Freeshooter92 vs MercuryHg34[/u] [i]Rout the Enemy on Arena[/i] [hider=Info] Beth: Engage Eve. [hider2=Engagement] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/rolls27.png] [u]Exp[/u] Beth +21 = 21/99 Nyra +10 = 21/99 [u]Support[/u] Beth/Nyra +6 = 6/27[/hider2] [b]Units left to act:[/b] Jason [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/freesh32.png] [/hider] [u]Olstead vs PlatinumSkink[/u] [i]Rout the Enemy on Crypt[/i] [hider=Info] [b]Turn 4: Olsted's Phase[/b] Dain Swap with Anne. Anne Transfer Dain to Iris. Iris Move (+3,0) Swap with Dain Dain Engage Ayuna (-1,0) with Flux. [hider2=Engagement] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/rolls28.png] [u]Exp[/u] Dain +11 = 22/99 Ayuna +1 = 23/99 [u]Support[/u] Dain/Iris +6 = 6/27[/hider2] Destero Move (+1,0) and Engage Ayuna with Javelin. [hider2=Engagement] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/rolls29.png] [u]Exp[/u] Ayuna +21 = 54/99 [u]Support[/u] Ayuna/Naiyo +6 = 6/27[/hider2] [b]Turn 4: PlatinumSkink's Phase[/b] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/olsted25.png] [/hider] [u]Light vs PrettyOddHuman[/u] [i]Capture the Flag on Cypt[/i] [hider=Info] [b]Turn 2: Light's Phase[/b] End [b]Turn 2: PrettyOddHuman's Phase[/b] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/light_13.png] [/hider] [u]Gareth vs Risen Army[/u] [i]Risen on Crypt[/i] [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmvyDLWGA9fIdGFYMWhneU9DLVFOdFhZZ2ZOU0RrSVE&usp=sharing]Risen Army[/url] [hider=Info] [b]Turn 1: Gareth's Phase[/b] Zane move (0/+3). Seabolt move (0/+4). Dart move (0/+1). Lenard move (0/+1). Lisa move (-1/+3). [b]Turn 1: Risen Phase[/b] Risen1 Move (+3, +2), Wait. Risen2 Move (-4, -1), Wait. Risen3 Move (+3, -2), Wait. Risen4 Move (-3, +2), Wait. [b]Turn 2: Gareth's Phase[/b] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/gareth12.png] [/hider]