[center]Valerio didn't allow himself to get cocky after the vampire went flying. He might not have a lot of experience with their kind, but he knew they were stronger than they looked and one simple punch to the face wouldn't be enough to take one down. While the vampire was busy in the water, Valerio turned his glasses back on. With some luck, the short powerdown was enough for the system to re-calibrate and come back online. The two screens lit up, fuzzy at first but after a second, they evened out to a clear black loading screen with a simple record symbol in the middle, a bar on the bottom starting from 1%. The wizard smiled to himself and backed away from the edge of the ship, putting even more space between him and the vampire. He could feel the electricity in the air and could tell that the vampire was preparing for an attack. All he needed was for this glasses to start running again and- Aha! The glasses lit up and his welcoming message ran across his screen. Wasting no time, he ran another scan. triple checking that the vampire had what he needed and that is was infact his brother's magic. Before the scan was complete, the vampire appeared again, this time with an electrical sword and Valerio gulped, tapping the band around his wrist and shielded his face with it. A split second before the sword could make contact with his wrist, a shield appeared, composed completely of hard light energy so while it appeared transparent, it was srong enough to block an attack. Sparks shot against the shield and Valerio was glad his eyes were protected by the shades. But since his shield was made of energy, it couldn't withstand the electrical sword for long. With a quick jab of his forearm, Valerio pushed the vampire backwards and jumped back far enough that he was on the other edge of the ship. His next spell was on the tip of his tongue when his glasses beeped his his attention was drawn to the bottom of the ship, to the bottom of the sea. Like a heat sensor, he could see the golden hook sitting in the sand where it must have dropped after the vampire dropped into the ocean. Without saying a word, he got up into the wooden ledge and slipped his headphones over his ears, pressing a light blue button on the edge of the left speaker. Like all of his other equipment, his headphones weren't simply for listening to music but also served multiple purposes, most of them being helmets. It just so happened that there was a deep sea scuba diving option for cases just like this. The headphones transformed around his face, and the helmet safely secured around his neck. It was uncomfortably tight, but he would much rather prefer that than drowning. Sadly though, the helmet only protected his face and there was no hope for his suit. Damn, and he liked this one too. He jumped into the water and immediately made his way to the bottom. He didn't want to stay down here for long, especially with a pissed off vampire above who could control lightening no less. The hook was seated nicely in the sand and as soon as Valerio touched it, he could feel the remnants of Valente's magic on it. He grasped it firmly and swam back to the surface. The helmet retracted once he was able to breathe again and he looked the hook over. It was a questionable item for his brother to use his magic on, but atleast he had it and all he needed to do now was find out why that vampire had it and what he was going to use it for. A small wind spell got him back onto the dock and he was ready to attack before his feet even touched the ground. [i]And yes I call the shots, I am the umpire I sprinkle holy water upon the vampire[/i] It wasn't necessarily holy water that hit the captain, but it was something that could take a vampire down, momentarily paralyzing him. Using this chance, Valerio jumped on the vampire and held the hook before his face, " Where did you get this? Why do you have it? What does it do?"[/center]