So there is a new movie coming out called Lucy which concerns the effects of an extremely powerful cognitive enhancing drug (kinda like Limitless but taken to an extreme) The trailer is here if you're interested:[hider=Lucy Trailer][youtube]MVt32qoyhi0[/youtube][/hider] Anyway it got me thinking about cognitive enhancement, nootropics (smart drugs) and its potential applications, while nothing like what is portrayed in these films could ever occur it still has huge amounts of potential to improve lives. At the same time messing around with the brain can lead to horrific consequences, drug addicts brains are a good example so who knows what could happen if it turns out popping cognitive enhancement drugs daily has some long term negative effect. And then there is the ethics of it, is it fair to allow people to use drugs in order to perform better when there are others who haven't used them? And could you maintain the successes achieve while on these drugs if you ever went off them? I was wondering what OT thought about the matter, is cognitive enhancement something worth pursuing or should we leave it alone?