Name: Lilith Age: 1,127 (looks to be in her twenties) Appearance: Fox form: Mostly white with black on her ears and halfway up the forelegs. She has golden eyes with subtle black markings around them that resemble eyeliner. She’s within the average size range for a fox but is rather slender making her legs look longer than most. She has nine tails but usually hides eight of them with magic. Human form: In keeping with legend, Lilith is very beautiful with porcelain skin and silky black hair that falls to the middle of her back. Her vibrant blue eyes are framed by bangs that go straight across her brow. She has full lips and a shapely but delicate figure that stands about 5'7". Personality: Lilith is extremely vain. As there are only a handful of kumiho over the age of 1,000, she commands quite a bit of respect from other fox spirits. The beauty of her human form has resulted in a very similar result among people. She has been doted on for over a hundred years now, and the result on her ego is undeniable. She used to be quite the malicious prankster as is true to her species, but her ventures as of late have been quite self-serving. Lilith enjoys stealing expensive clothes and jewelry because she believes she deserves such things. Since she is so used to having things go her way, Lilith can be quite childish when her demands are not met. Haughty and aloof, people are usually afraid to approach her. (Extremely) Brief History: Lilith started off as a common fox, gaining sentience around her tenth year of life. Initially she was just curious and traveled around China watching humans as they went about their lives. It wasn't long before she learned how easy they were to trick, and so she then became a prankster. She went to India, Russia, out to Japan, and finally Korea, which is where she was when she had her 1,000th birthday and finally obtained a human form of her own. With the changing global atmosphere, Lilith found it easier to travel and has now seen all there is to see on this planet (as she believes). Her focus is now to obtain all the treasures she can get her paws on. Likes: Things that sparkle, silk, lace, wine, dark colors (black, blue, and violet), red meat, flowers, colorful birds Dislikes: Being told ‘no’, being touched, dogs, stubborn people, loud people, people who smell, crowded places, dirty places, being hot, having her hair, makeup, or clothes ruined Abilities: 1.) Fox fire: an eternally burning blue flame made from the soul of a human. Since they are difficult to create, most foxes only have one or two ( Lilith has two). They can be used to fight or to heal minor injuries. 2.) Slight telekinesis (objects less than 1 lb) mostly used to unlock and open doors or write while in her fox form. 3.) Shapeshift into objects (of about the same mass). Lilith’s object of choice is usually a large vase. 4.) Shapeshift into a human. 5.) She is stronger and faster than a human, despite her slender build. [quote=LostBrotherGrimm] Name: Aleksei Nikolaevich Titov Real name: Aleksei Demyanovich Volkov Age: 21 Appearance:Slim build and elegant figure – always properly dressed for formal occasions, mostly due to his foster father‘s demands. His eyes are deep green, fading into brown near the edges - giving him an intimidating, piercing gaze. He is 177 cm tall, only slightly above the average Russian male. His hair is black, yet (depending on lightning) giving off an illusion of dark blue. It is long enough to cover his ears and to let bangs cover his whole forehead (if he should so desire it), but it is not to be mistaken with shoulder length hair. Although his eyes give of an intimidating, mature vibe – his jaw line is not strong as in most Russian males, which gives him an opportunity to look more seducing than most guys in his vicinity. That often proved helpful in his line of work. Personality:Alex often refers to himself as a man that is willing to do anything for money, but that is mostly because in his line of work you need to give of the impression of a big time player, otherwise you won’t get far and you would fail. And failure is not an option in this world. He was taught that fact well. But, behind the facade of money, he considers himself a strong-willed man that knows the difference between right and wrong – and, most importantly, between good and bad people. And he is ready to step over the bad if it would help him get to his goal.Once upon a time he might have been a fun seeking individual, but now those days are long gone by. He is a mature and highly cold individual, not relying on emotions any more than he has to. If he is to help someone, it is purely for the fact that he will gain some benefit from that (or at least that’s what he tells himself).He is cautious about being seen in the wrong places at the wrong time, once again the reason being his foster father – who wouldn’t take kindly to any scandals being brought to light and dirtying his family name. Because of that, Alex takes extreme precautions when doing his job. Therefore, his logical intelligence is pretty off the charts. (Extremely) Long History: [hider=Supa Long] Ten years ago, he had a family – a caring mother and a loving father. He was a happy child – as happy as a child could be growing up in Russia. That was a fact that his father often brought to the dinner table. His father, Demyan, was a traveling businessman, often going on trips out of the country. He brought fascinating stories of life beyond Russian borders and it all sounded perfect to little Alex. At the time, his father was working for a highly successful company in Russia, but all good things must come to an end. It was middle of the winter when a new chairman stepped up to lead the company. Promising world glory was his method of gaining people’s trust, but in reality, all he did was take as much money as he could for himself and then sold off the company, bit by bit. People got fired rapidly and Alex’s father was one of those luckier ones. Or so it seemed. Although he was fired, his bank account was in a good position – he was a smart man and he saw through intentions of the new „leader“. He saved some money for the upcoming dark days. And he thought they could make it through. Until a certain person entered his life. A childhood friend, absent from the country for years. Of course Demyan greeted him warmly and the two shared stories of the good old times, deep into the night. But his friend had something else on his mind, rather than reminiscing about the past. He had a business proposition for him. It was something that was supposedly extremely successful in US at the time. He had the whole plan laid out to the single detail, but there was a catch. He needed money as a deposit to loan even more money. And the amount was astonishing. He knew well banks in Russia wouldn’t give him that sort of money, which is why he wanted to loan from no one other than Russia’s shadow – mafia. And the deal was the two would be partners, they would split the profit fifty-fifty. „It is a deal of a lifetime, comrade.“ And although Demyan had to pull out every single digit out of the bank and family savings – he took that risk. For friendship and for hope of better days. The better days never came. The partnership never came. Although the company was founded, Demyan’s name was never on the founder’s list. In fact, his name was not mentioned anywhere, but in a single document. A document that bound him to the mafia. That bound him to return any company’s debt in case the founder wouldn’t be able to. And when asked about it, the man just turned his back on his childhood friend. It was the beginning of an end. What little money he had left, Demyan used to buy alcohol. His family was falling apart and as the debt of the company grew – his life fell apart even more. Apparently, the man never wanted to lead any sort of business in Russia. His intention was to take the money invested and legally leave the country six months after the company was founded, leaving piled up debts in the hands of poor Demyan. With his life on the brink of ruin, Demyan felt something he never felt before. Desperation. He met up with his friend one last time, begging for a solution. Begging on his knees. All that he got was a feeling of saliva on his face. That moment, something inside of him broke. Rage, pain and then... darkness. After regaining his conscience, he found he was next to a dead body, scissors still in his hands. His bloodied hands. What brought him back to the real world was the sound of police banging on the door. Someone reported the screams. Sentence – life in prison. Sentence for his family – repaying the debt to the mafia. No one knew who had it worse. If it was the government that was involved, things would’ve surely gone smoother, but since it was the mafia – they weren’t so kind. Reputation surrounding Russia’s loan sharks and mafia was a frightening thing, but Alex and his mother were yet to find out the real meaning of frightening. At first they tried escaping, moving from town to town – but it was in vain. Every time, they would be found and more pain would be inflicted on the caring mother’s psyche. Not wanting to feel the humiliation anymore, it was the kid that swore to the evil men that he will repay the debt. Like a courageous hero, saving his family. But he was just a ten year old boy, how would he be able to repay it. Why would they even consider it? They wouldn’t, not if it weren’t for a cunning man that saw a glimpse of an opportunity there. And the man took it. He took the boy under his own roof, raising him with an iron fist – teaching him how to be a successful businessman. Under his tutorage, he became his right hand. That man was called Nikolai Titov – a supposed descendant of the former KGB general, Gennady Titov. Back in those days, ten years ago, Nikolai was just one of the loan sharks working for Russian big dogs, but over the years he became the leading figure in Russian mafia. Alex, on the other hand, had everything he wished for in those ten years. But there was a price. Price of everything he ever asked for was being added to the debt he swore to repay. And Nikolai never forgot that debt, he reminded the boy every single day of the money he had to return. And that day, ten years ago, Alex signed a contract with the devil incarnate. As long as he was breathing, he had an obligation to return that money. And as long as he didn’t return the money, Nikolai owned him. And whatever his so-called foster father ordered him to do - it was expected of him to do, no failures. After all, Nikolai was a leading man behind the Russian mafia – but he wasn’t able to freely act as such. To public eyes, he was known as a CEO of a respectable company, so logically; he needed someone to be his underground right hand – someone who would supervise the deals that were going on in the dark. All the meetings, all the deals and all the people that wanted to cooperate with Nikolai, had to talk to Alex. That was the opportunity he saw ten years ago – he didn’t see sympathy when looking at the begging boy. His heart didn’t flutter. The devil saw a slave to the money that would in a few years obey his every word. And he got what he wanted. Nowadays, Alex is working hard to repay the debt – large sums of money fluctuating under his care. But he bears hate and despise for that man deep in his heart. His motivation changed over the years. He won‘t simply be a dog and work all his life to repay the debt to the man that would never let him repay it. He won‘t be a hero that will save his family’s reputation and pride. No - he will bring the whole mafia down instead. And he will, someday, kill that man. He will have his revenge. [/hider] Likes: Money, music, feeling of superiority, revenge, city lights, suits Dislikes: Corrupt authority, mafia, cold, memories Special Traits: 1.) Above-average IQ 2.) Skilled talker/negotiator – or you could call him a gifted diplomat 3.) Knows how to fire a gun 4.) Has been educated in economy 5.) Has a lot of connections in an out of mafia [/quote]