[quote=Wraithblade6] Damien scratched his head. He had by now lost most of his fear of these beings, and was ok with standing among them. "I am sorry about banishing your friend. I think you will find it was for the best, but I'll try not to banish anyone else, for a while at least. As for what I am exactly, up until now, I was convinced I was just... me. You'll have to help me find out. but I have to say also, I am curious if a secret home for all species would work out. Do you think we should start one?" [/quote] 'I'm positive that we should start a home Damien and I know we will succeed.' She smiled before turning to the other demon. 'Of course I don't mind you tagging along, the more people from different species the better.' Feeling a sense of hope and faith begin to swell up in her chest she felt overwhelmed by the amount of support she was getting as she turned back to the last angel. 'It's just you and Damien that need to decide where you stand. My offer still stands but we will need to move out soon, I'm sure that the hunting party will be searching the area for us all.' She mounted Petunia once more before untying her from the tree and waited for the others.