Minutes passed by and, by now, Euclid was sweating a little. He didn't want to fail and have the group be caught and quite possibly killed by GM. "Come on," he whispered, hearing the bobby pin move around inside the lock. All of a sudden, he felt something pushed upward within its interior and he applied more force, pushing the tumbler up and catching it in a hold. [i]One step closer,[/i] he thought. The rest was coming second nature, tumbler after tumbler catching inside the lock until it finally groaned and released its security. Grabbing the door handle, he turned it and gave a push, watching it come open. "I... I did it!" he exclaimed, sounding confused and delighted all at once. Standing up, he pushed open the door, throwing the bag against the interior wall of the dormitory before moving to help Leon inside. "Come on, we have to get inside quickly. No knowing what could happen if we wait out here."