The sound of rain filled the city – slowly, but surely colliding with the concrete. A fearless assault raging from the skies. A male figure was walking down the street, his rhythm calm and constant, not bothered by the natural phenomena. His black coat only slightly danced with the occasional breeze that accompanied the ever continuing rain. An umbrella was doing an excellent job sheltering his face. But his blue eyes tried looking up at the sky as much as they could. He liked rain. It was a natural phenomenon that was a resembling reality at its finest. The sharp, cold droplets hurting the skin on impact. It was a perfect metaphor for the real world. The world below the mask of families, happiness and love. A ruthless jungle. Like a lone wolf, Aleksei Volkov walked down the street. But he wasn’t a Volkov, not today and not for the last ten years. Harsh droplets reminded him of reality once again. He was Aleksei Titov, a son of Nikolai – one of the more influential figures in Russia. That was his reality. And it brought him out on a day such as this. Earlier today, a man contacted him - Lev Jesenash. A man in charge of the shipments in the eastern part of the city. His organization held the territory for themselves and they rarely approved other people shipments. Which was a shame, considering a pretty massive shipment just came in for a certain Titov. Weapons. And judging by Lev’s tone, he wasn’t happy that happened without his consent. They would meet in a Hotel Astoria, a neutral ground. That was, of course, what Lev thought. In reality, even Astoria was owned by affiliates of his father. Only the chosen few are allowed to live a life of luxury – and those chosen ones have to be swift and ruthless. And he was going to be exactly like that. *** „You are trespassing on our territory. How do you plan on compensating for that?” An older man, 46 years old, spoke – his voice full of anger. „Compensating? Who do you take me for? I know well that the eastern districts are under your jurisdiction, but tell me, comrade...” He paused for a few moments, taking a note of nervousness on Lev’s face. He was certainly uncomfortable being called a „comrade” by a boy over twenty years younger than him. „Nothing in this world is constant, am I not right? Otherwise you would not see men cheating on their wives with some cheap prostitutes.” His breathing became heavy, „What did you just say?” Aleks merely smirked as he took a sip of his coffee and proceeded to talk, not paying any attention to his adversary’s objections. „The problem is, sir, you misunderstood us. We are not trying to take over your territory; we are merely expanding our market. And you should also bear in mind that we are kind enough not to pry it away from your hands. There is a certain rumor going around that some of your boys got arrested and that they told the police everything they know.” The man was sweating, he knew what was coming. „But the police does not have any concrete evidence to take action, isn’t that so? And what would happen to your little business should they get their hands on certain documents?” With a tremendous force, the man brought his fist down on the table. Aleks kept a calm expression on his face, but he was grinning on the inside. He had his prey by the neck and he wouldn’t let go. „Listen to me, kid. I worked side by side with your father while you were still in diapers. We’re like brothers!” He raised his voice, turning a few heads in their direction. That’s when he noticed it. A woman watching them. But it wasn’t a curious gaze like those they got from other visitors. No. She wasn’t merely watching, she was observing. He had a hunch, but he could not confirm it until now. He was being followed. His „comrade” continued barking, taking pauses just to wipe sweat from his forehead with his red handkerchief. A true Russian. Aleks let his focus turn to the woman, although he took extreme precaution not to give away his interest. Who would want to have him followed? Competition? No. He knew they would not use such an obvious person. What could she want from him? There was only one way to find out, but he knew he had the privilege to go on about business at his own pace. After all, this was the first time she ever came so close. This only proved she was searching for an opportunity to make her move. „And?” Aleks focused back on Lev, just as he was finished talking about pride and unity. The cold glare took the man by surprise. „Stop messing around. Are you really trying to take money from a brother?” This was getting ridiculous. The man had nothing to bring to the table. This meeting was nearing its end. Just to apply a little more pressure. „About those documents,” Aleks began, but Lev interrupted him. „A-are you trying to blackmail me?” „With so many years of experience behind you, you should be able to recognize someone blackmailing you. This, on the contrary, is just a friendly proposition. Just accept our shipments without complaining, and I’ll be more than satisfied.” An agonizing groan poured out of him. And with that, he surrendered. „And when I am satisfied, you can rest assured my father will be even more satisfied.” He offered him a hand and after a few moments of silence, the man took it. His palm was sweaty. Sign of a complete victory. But the meeting wouldn't just end there. Aleks knew this for a fact, especially after noticing the woman leaving the bar. He turned to his companion with a friendly smile and offered him another drink - for the road. If she was waiting for him, as he assumed – he would see her again upon leaving the bar. Exactly why he needed to give her a little time to be sure meeting her won’t be just a coincidence. After another glass was emptied, Aleks decided it was time to depart. Once again shaking Lev’s hand, he left the bar and the hotel. Just as he assumed, the woman was right there. She seemed to have problems with her umbrella. He licked his lips, she surely thought this was her chance, but it was actually an opening for him. Upon approaching her, he noticed her stature was far more elegant and beautiful to be a mere girl that is looking for some fun or easy money. There was something else going on here. And he knew exactly what to do. Right now, she was a damsel in distress. He opened his umbrella and put it above her. „I suppose I could be your knight in a shining armor, my lady – after all, we do not want you to come home completely soaked, now do we?” He gave her a friendly smile as he tried to take a better look at her face.