[b]Name:[/b] Caelin Ea' Draumir [b]Age:[/b] Undisclosed (Appears early 20's at the oldest) [b]Rank:[/b] Oversized Paperweight (High value slave, but long-dormant, a la Rip Van Winkle) [b]Species:[/b] Ghost creature (Bat) [b]Background:[/b] Grew up in the half-mythical country of Saecernir, before becoming a Herald (Saecernir's nearest equivalent to a 'world-seeker') and setting off to explore the wider world. Is well-travelled, and has acquired an impressive knowledge of several cultures and languages, along with having an impressive understanding of Old World writings. Thanks to her travels, she has an above-average capacity for survival. Has a lithe, athletic build and is skilled in unarmed combat, though quite probably has no skills with any weapon more advanced than blade or crossbow. [b]Personality:[/b]Calm and patient, but quietly determined, possessing an indomitable will, excellent memory, and a sharp intelligence. Is neither an extravert or an introvert, but somewhere between the two, although she generally doesn't speak unless she feels she has something important to say. Despite the above qualities, upon first tasting sustenance after a prolonged period without it (either through necessity or upon awaking from a sustained period of hibernation) she can become ferocious, and as much a danger to friend as foe, likely to attempt to turn either into her next meal until such time as her hunger is satisfied. [b]Psychology:[/b] Unbroken- having been rendered inert by the slavers, entering a state of deep hibernation not long after her arrival, Caelin has reained as she was upon arrival. Though her mind now mainly drifts through dreams and memories, her personality remains unchanged, and part of her mind still seeks the waking world. [b]Backstory:[/b] Many ages ago, before the fall of the Old World, some of the 'gods' who built that world were experimenting with a new form of nanite, designed to enhance whatever life-form became host to it. Amongst the creatures it was tested upon were the ancestors of Caelin's people. When the Old World came to its end, the nanites within their system insured their survival, despite the odds. When other creatures began to rise, to fill the void left behind by the 'gods', the nanites insured Caelin's people would be amongst them. When some began to develop hyper-evolved niches, to become known as 'ghosts', the nanites insured Caelin's ancestors too would develop such a capacity. Through these nanites Caelin's people became robust and adaptable, with life-spans that gradually increased over successive generations. However, this was all centuries ago and since that time the nanites have become inert, the only trace of their continued presence amongst Caelin's people being an increased sensitivity- and vulnerability- to electricity and, in some cases, recurring, vivid dreams of the Old World. Individuals experiencing the latter are given the surname/honourific of 'Draumir' and are selected to become Heralds. Caelin was amongst this select group. Born to the nation of Saecernir, a nation regarded as myth, legend or utter fantasy by most beyond its borders, Caelin spent her childhood- and a decent portion of her early adulthood- amongst its mountaintop-citadels, learning the bulk of the wealth of knowledge preceding generations had collected on both the Old World and the present one, before setting of to explore, and to discover what more she could add to the knowledge of her people. Having spent several years moving from place to place, Caelin had the misfortune to encounter a raiding party on the outskirts of the territory belonging to The Terror. Despite putting up a terrific fight, Caelin was injured and captured, but when the standard chip was implanted into her flesh, this unexpectedly caused Caelin to suffer an involuntary reaction, going into an enforced state of hibernation. Faced with an inert prize catch they could neither sell nor revive, the slavers have pretty much left her in her cell ever since, to either waken in time or die completely. But though mostly dead to the world around her, a sliver of Caelin's conciousness remains trapped between sleeping and waking world; waiting for the external stimulus that will raise her into waking life again.