[quote=Dervish] I'm all for pursuing means to heal damaged brains and mental health, I'd much rather not mess with what makes people people. I mean, put it this way; what if the wrong person gets a massive leg up over the rest of humanity? History is full of extraordinary people who use their talents for decidely malignant means. Let's not turn that up to 11. [/quote] An interesting point, although I'd assume if that situation ever occurred hopefully there would be many others in a similar position who would oppose them. I think the key with cognitive enhancement is to ensure it's for the benefit of everyone rather than a select few as otherwise problems like the one you brought up could occur. As for healing versus enhancement, when it comes to enhancement as Magic Magnum said I think it's up to the individual to decide the level of risk they are willing to take, they should be aware they could potentially change themselves for better or worse and if they take that risk they need to be ready for the consequences good or bad. As for healing it's a similar situation except I suppose an individual has less to lose and more to gain compared to someone using those drugs for enhancement. [quote=Magic Magnum] Can't watch the trailer now. On my phone so doing so would murder my data plan.As for the general topic?I see no issue with enhancing our minds. We aim for this all the time with therapy and education anyways. I'd draw the line though where it starts to become a kind of addiction or something with side effects may it be medical ones or more stuff like loss of empathy.Then again, each adult should be able to make said choice for themself. While at the same time make sure those who choose not to for one reason or another such as bad side effects are not unable to get employed or something cause of itm [/quote] More or less agree with your points. Hopefully side effects and addiction are considered when developing these drugs, I doubt anyone would release an enhancement drug with serious risk of either of these eventualities. As for treatment of diseases however that might be harder to avoid, especially if a potentially dangerous drug is the only chance to cure or alleviate a disease. Either way like you said it's up to the individual to decide what level of risk to their bodies they can tolerate.