Valdur walked at the centre of the group with his head down, his raven black hair draping past his shoulders. He was tired, something fell had befallen him, but what. The past few nights he had no sleep, only an itching at his rib cage, though no marks or abnormalities could be seen on the surface. Was it exhaustion, fear or eagerness? He tried to reassure himself that it was just nerves or getting used to the clean air, a contrast to the crowded cities of Catarina. Valdur had do admit however that he enjoyed the green and open skies, not to mention the random incidents of deer and boar seen in the forest, a couple he had slew to serve as food for the group. Valdur's appreciation of greenery was short lived however as they came to the desert. It was cold and barren, the cliff side painted a picture of past conflict and untold horrors that had occurred here. Massacres' executions or even rituals? Each skull of a human had its own story, each dragons and epic tale and each demons a secret Valdur did not wish to hear whispered. As they walked further along the cliff his abdomen started to itch once more, his hair swayed on the gentle breeze sending a shiver to his core. The winds were neither cold nor hot and hit with little force. Valdur gripped his spear and shield tightly and continued following the group. "The Lords have left this place for good." Valdur pierced a gaze at the future fire-keeper, he snickered and muttered to himself analyzing the mounds of skulls. "They never were with us..." They continued in a descent down the cliff clinging to the edge for dear life, Valdur was right at home, as a boy he would climb the battlements in his city as if leaping among the clouds. A sudden hissing sound threw them all off their concentration. With a flash Valdur took a low stance facing the burrows, his shield held firmly in front of him and his spear tightly at his side. Emilia had lost her balance, but the giant woman had caught her with her bearing arms. Valdur was impatient, his itchy chest was on fire with passion and his bared teeth turned to a grin. The bone creatures burst from the mounds sending dust and fragments into the air around Valdur, with pure instinct he waited for a second or two and thrust into the smokescreen of bone. The remains of a skeleton shattered and fell at him disassembled, he sun around and struck a second one with the shaft, flinging it towards the others. "Surround Emilia! Let none touch her!"