“I don't know ma'am. I was not thinking about my own safety when I came to your aide. I would hope that the boys keep quiet. How would they explain what they were about to do to you? Surely, your ripped dress and injuries are proof enough. I dare say, at least two of the boys were only following the bigger one. If that bodes well for me or not, I could not say." He shook his head and looked down at his feet. "It may be in my favor that they did not get a good look at my face. I'm afraid things went way too far." "Ma'am, they shouldn't come back, but would you want me to escort you home?” He looked at her feet and noticed her spilled bag of groceries. Her dinner by the looks of it. "Oh dear, I've been rude. I'm Shawn Washington. It's very nice to meet you, but such a shame it could not have been under better circumstances." Though, how he would have met this woman under normal circumstances, he had no idea. She was very pretty. Probably had a line of suitors. Shawn shook the thought from his head. It was no use thinking about things like that. “I have some dinner we could share,” he said, feeling a blush creep up onto his cheeks. "Uh- but I understand if that isn't to your liking. I mean... should I leave?" He scratched his head. "No... I really should walk you home, though that might looks strange to your neighbors. Oh dear, and what about your dress? How would that be explained?" [i]Look at me, a nearly thirty year old man stuttering like a fool around a pretty white girl. If my momma could see me know. [/i]