She let out a small sigh, relieved that the boys didn't seem to get a good look at his face. She took in a deep breath at his offer to escort her home, thinking about what the others would think. She wanted to protect this man as much as she could from those with a stronger mind to just lock him up for staring at them. She looked up at him, at his dark eyes and dark skin. Shawn.. Washington. A fitting name for such a gentleman. She managed a small chuckled at his next remark. She smiled at him, a warm smile meant to make him feel better. [b]"Thank you Mr. Washington. I'd love to. If you're willing to wait, I can go get another dress from the store down the road. I'm not so prideful as to not have the courage to walk down the road by myself to get a dress. Though... provided the circumstance... would you mind waiting here for me? I don't want anyone to think this was your fault."[/b] She explained, looking down at her feet. She could feel the sting of the bruises on her cheek and arm. Bruises that would be hard to hide. [b]"Actually, no."[/b] She began, standing up a bit more straight, looking Shawn in the eye. [i]I'm not going to let these people back me into a corner.[/i] [b]"You are more than welcome to walk me to the clothing store. If they have anything to say, they'll have to go through me."[/b] She told him, walking over. She smiled up at him. [b]"I don't hit my students but I'm not completely defenseless either."[/b] She told him, winking at him. [i]And I'm not afraid to stand up for what I think is right. Besides, if I teach my students without regard to their color, I should treat the people of this community kindly regardless of their color.[/i] She shivered at the thought of her father's hand on her cheek. It hurt worse than the pain caused by those kids. Still, she couldn't forget the face of Rita, that day she'd found Robin's torn up picture. Or the day Rita died, protecting her. She couldn't let that go to waste. She wanted to protect these people and show the others they had nothing to fear except themselves. [b]"So... What kind of food, Mr. Washington? I'm always up for good food."[/b] She asked, already walking toward the opening to the alley.