[quote=Dervish] Y'know, most of the people complaining about how Spam used to be and taking pot shots are the same ones who aren't doing a damn thing to change it. It's easy to say "Oh it sucks now, none of the old regulars are here anymore" and then bugger off again because you don't like what you see.Gee whiz, if it's a bunch old old farts saying how much they miss old spam and hate the new one, but don't stick around, you're part of the problem.Here's a thought; if you're an old regular who just came here to say how much this place sucks before vanishing back into the abyss, how about staying around and encouraging the shit you want to see. Step up or shut up. Quite simple. Otherwise, you're basically a Facebook post about some worldly injustice to make it look like you're concerned and hip about something happening that's awful before going back to creep on girls and never speaking of it again. [/quote] I did do something! i included an informative Anchorman gif. You gotta calm dervish. Be cool. I wasn't complaining so much about the people as the vibe. And it wasn't so much a complaint as pointing out what I saw as a flaw and issuing a rallying cry to fix it. I fully intend on staying in spam, in between RPing, as I have done since I got here and I will keep posting what I think are worthwhile threads. *goes to post thread about doughnuts*