[b]Colony 257[/b] The Abh raised their weapons, firing away from the truck at the military soldiers and vehicles. Their super soldier status was well deserved, as It was obvious they were crack shots. Every invisible beam of energy found its mark and burned through the target. Their laser projectors were extremely useful against vehicles as well, as all that was needed to up the power on the lasers was a quick thought of doing so. Of course, there was no way they could take out the attackers, but they could certainty cover the escape well enough. The Draconian, unable to help due to his current unarmed state, was tending to the human. It was a sight nobody expected to see, as most humans would rather die a slow and painful death than accept help from a Draconian. Clark was most definitely either a follower of Faust or a subscriber to that whole agnostic star-worshiping... thing the Abh have going on. The human looked up at the Draconian, and smiled. "Ted... it kinda... suits you." The Draconian though for a moment, and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I like it. When we get to whatever planet we're going to, I'll have to find a namer." "I... I was a namer." "You were? Would you be willing to give me the ceremony?" "Of course... I'm certified... for an Abh ceremony and... human Church of... Faust. Which... one?" "Uhh..." The Draconian trailed off, not knowing what either of the ceremonies included or what the two ideologies stood for. He didn't want to get mixed up in some kind of insane initiation thing or end up being a member for life of something he hates. Since the human was breathing heavily, an Abh ducked in to explain. "The Church of Faust is an Equestrian belief that promotes peace and harmony above all else, and they worship the goddess Faust, whom Admiral Fergus McClain claims to have met. I should mention he's considered a reputable source, especially on the subject of a religion belief, as he is incredibly hard to persuade towards a belief. The Abh belief has no name, but it is well developed. It too promotes harmony and peace, although it is peace by any means. Some of the best combat schools are operated by the unified church, and subscribers to the belief are usually picked first to enter along with Church of Faust members. I know that sounds intolerant, but it's really more of a way of weeding out the individuals who won't understand the philosophy behind our way of fighting. Oh yeah, us Abh sorta worship stars... well, not really. Kind of a connection with them, a sort of 'we came from stardust' thing." The Draconian sat and though for a time, completely oblivious to the firefight all around him. He weighed the benefits of each, but simply couldn't decide on one. Besides, he was already a believer in the Draconian goddess. "Well, I'm already a Draconian. That probably means I'll have to wait to get to a core planet." "Oh not at all!" The Abh said "I'm a CoF member, as well as a New Hindu, Muslim, and Final Frontier Christian! Also Abh, of course." "Then I think I'd like a combination of the two ceremonies." The human, without saying a word, slowly lifted his hand up to the Draconian's forehead equivalent. "With Faust as my witness, I proclaim your name to be Ted." The Abh then whispered in the Draconian's ear: "Look up." The Draconian did so, seeing the twinkling stars in the sky. It was perfect for the Abh ceremony. The human continued, using all of his strength to keep his sentences unbroken. "May star fire bear you to touch the universe beyond, and find the wonders that lay beyond what you know." Has Clark talked, Ted felt so right. The human Church of Faust ceremony sounded good as well, but the Abh ceremony felt so perfect to him. It was as if the writer of the scripts had created the ceremony exclusively for him. "May all creatures you meet in the cosmos know you by the name agreed upon by the infinite amount of stars in this universe, and all the universes beyond. From this day forward, you shall be known as Ted."