Oh dear god, Keyguy you must have had a problem sending your latest post or something... Also, I know this next conflict I am about to go into will not be easy, most likely fatal. I am not saying I want you to de-buff your species, I am fine with it (It reminds me of the Flood in Halo, really), I just don't know how I will handle it. I could just abandon the entire Empire, move it to another galaxy and hang out there, come back stronger maybe. Maybe I could get help from the Equestrians and take the offer of the Equis Pact, though I already know that means I will have to ensue an entire revolution throughout the Empire. I could use the kid as a way of creating a new super weapon of sorts (Let me explain the thing about the boy, he's supposed to be extremely smart and..other things. The intelligence is phenomenal for a Hach race, especially for the Domi. He was supposed to be the kid that would help lead the hell hole I made/started into something better/more powerful). Maybe I could even send down the entire galaxy with me, ruining my relations, but possibly saving my own ass. I could somehow destroy the Elles Gem, causing a huge wave of energy just blast through possibly the entire galaxy (I have no idea if that would destroy it, but I am guessing it would..) Honest to god, I thought the draconians were scary, you multiplied it by five times, Wilson xD. It's fine though, I'll figure something out. But I like the first one the most. I feel like just abandoning the current state I have completely, having a few trillion people of Zonan just escape to another galaxy and make a foothold there, away from all the chaos. Another thing I could include there is Zonan finding more Hach races, which is a possibility. I just need advice on it. Wilson, again, do not dumb down your species for the sake of me, if worst goes to worst, I am just gonna leave, come back years later, and do something completely stupid.