I'm done, I think [u][b]Character[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Jean-Baptiste Bertrand [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Appearance:[/b] A gaunt, pale-skinned, clean shaven man with cold blue eyes and blonde hair cropped short in a military manner. Can always be seen dressed in plain green fatigues, brown boots and a green beret, all of them lacking any kind of insignia, thinking the getup gives him a more authoritative, military air. Usually wears shades to hide the perpetual dark circles around his eyes, which are also sometimes bloodshot or have clearly dilated pupils. [b]Minor History:[/b] Jean-Baptiste Bertrand has lived a life of violence, a regular bar brawler and occasional back-alley shanker prior to enlisting in some military or other before the conflict with the aliens began. Insubordinate and cowardly, he only survived the extermination of his squad by commandeering an armored vehicle and escaping the field of battle. Though he would've been court-martialed for desertion, a combination of the chaos raised by the war with the invaders and a few key people mysteriously dissapearing ensured that the matter felt through the cracks and eventually dissapeared. Taking his "experience in battling the alien menace" and blowing it out of proportion, he parlayed himself into a series of mercenary gigs before landing a job as an End Armor test pilot with the Creed Corporation, where his natural disposition towards violence and a certain level of being pandered to because of his "background" ensured he attained something of a status as a skilled pilot. [b]Personality:[/b] Bertrand is not a likeable man. Arrogant, lazy and self-centered, he understands that violence is the one thing he excels at and oversells his (admittedly respectable) skills in combat to try and further his own greed and ambitions of living large. He is also paranoid and, should one prod for a while longer, at least somewhat approaching psychopathy, though he takes good care to try and hide these traits with an exterior of some intelligence and cunning. While not squeamish, as again battle is the only way he has of feeding his ego, Bertrand is at heart something of a coward who dislikes finding himself in the heat of battle, especially when the odds aren't stacked in his favor. [b]Skills:[/b] Though his skills are not as sharp as they could be, Jean-Baptiste remains a dangerous brawler and an adept marksman and gunner. [u][b]Mech[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Orlando Furioso [b]Energy Gun:[/b] Orlando's left arm, from the elbow down, can transform into a high intensity laser cannon; essentially a scaled up, high power laser cutter which acts like an energy replacement for standard repeating weapons. The weapon projects a continuous, high output energy beam which is able to "cut" through high density materials by cleanly burning through them, the closer to the emitter the stronger the beam. Though it could theoretically fire a beam that's invisible to the naked eye it fires a very visible red laser because Jean-Baptiste enjoys the display. [b]Another Gun:[/b] Rather than carry around a melee weapon; the Orlando Furioso mounts a plasmacaster, a type of weapon which fires incandescent bolts of plasma suspended within a magnetic field, hidden within its right forearm. Orlando's plasmacaster fires bolts which detonate on impact, sacrificing piercing capability for area of effect damage and knockback and making it so that the weapon is best used in mid to long range combat. The bolts can also be prematurely detonated if hit with Furioso's laser cannon. [b]Specialty:[/b] Highly armored weapons platform, built to withstand massive amounts of damage and dish it right back in an accurate, effective manner. [b]Mech Ability:[/b] A high yield back mounted railgun, almost as long as the Orlando is tall, usually stored folded in the back and deployed over the right shoulder for use. A truly devastating weapon capable of piercing through any defense it's been tested against, it uses electromagnetism to fire solid rounds of high density metal at spectacular speeds, high enough to eliminate the need for an explosive charge as the impact has an equal or greater effect as an explosive-filled shell of greater mass. This means that ammunition for the railgun is safer, smaller, lighter and less expensive than traditional projectiles. The railgun is not without its drawbacks, however, chief amongst them being the tremendous level of recoil when firing: only a heavyweight, especially designed unit such as the Furioso can even think about firing it, and then it can only safely do so by holding it with both hands after dropping to a crouch, anchoring to the unit to the ground and engaging special shock dampeners. The weapon also builds up a tremendous amount of heat, requiring a 4 post cooldown period before a new shot can be fired. [b]Drawbacks/Weakness:[/b] The Orlando Furioso suffers from poor speed and maneuverability and lacks any kind of melee weapon, which makes it unsuitable for close range confrontations or engagements that require speed and precision. [b]Appearance:[/b] A top of the line test machine built to suit Bertrand's demands in both form and function, it is a large, heavily armored unit with a smooth, rounded frame rather than a more typical blocky, boxy design, its weapons integrated and hidden within the body (railgun notwithstanding) to further its clean aesthetic. The unit is colored in faded silver with aquamarine power lines and sensors.