Jecht An odd memory struck him now, as sweat slid down his face, the heat from the electricity and his quick dodging and the strikes of the swords beginning to add to his fatigue. [i] I had a mother once, [/i] he recalled as he slipped past the oncoming blade, making sure to remain light on his feet, gripping his sword tighter, [i] I remember. She used to dance ballet, didnt she? [/i] Jecht spun as he slashed his weapon, feeling an intense satisfaction watching the werewolf scramble backward, grasping at the wound Jecht dealt to his side. Never miss a step, she always stressed, he remembered, giving the werewolf a smug smirk, memories floating towards the surface of his mind, This fight feels like a dance. [i] Mother was right. One wrong step could mean my life…. [/i] The fog in his mind started to lift, the maddening anger beginning to fade away. The werewolf then started spouting some nonsense and Jecht nearly snorted, replying hostilely, "Retreating, coward? Fine, return when you arent so pathetic. I will welcome your challenge." Now that the adrenaline from the fight was beginning to fade, he began to feel the pain he suppressed during the fight. The captain honestly did not know whether they were wounds from the werewolf or from his previous fight with the wizard, but now he felt relieved the fight was over, not that he would admit that thought out loud. He growled as irritation crept up into his mood once again and he glanced towards his crew, searching for the nearest least injured person. "Mariemaia." he finally called out, slowly walking towards her, wincing slightly with each step. "Check the ship for any casualties then tell the first mate to watch the ship if he is uninjured, if not, then you take care of things. And we have to get to land for medicine, if you feeling well enough, will you steer the ship for me, Mariemaia? I will be in my quarters, I would do it myself but I… have to rest." he admitted, a faint blush on his face out of embarrassment for his state of weakness. Usually he would just ask his first mate for help, but they werent talking right now, and Jecht was beginning to feel guilty about yelling at Trixxtal for trying to make him rest. He did not want to admit he was wrong just yet, so he would just have to do with asking Mariemaia instead. She at least had experience steering a ship, since she was a captain herself before she joined his crew. [i] Ugh, I should have listened to Trixxtal, maybe I would not feel this embarrassingly weak if I had. Ill just…apologize to him later, when I wake up. [/i] Fantine Her battle ended in a stalemate, with both her and the vampire receiving little injuries, to her relief. She did not have time to be recovering from injuries while her comrades were suffering; earlier she noticed Romulus bloody and unconscious being carried away by his distraught brother. "I enjoyed this spar, vampire. Thank you for the challenge." she retreated alongside the others, sheathing her sword as she left. On her way back to the SkullKracken she noticed Regulus stumbling back, holding his stomach in pain. "Little Reggie, were the last ones on the ship, we need to hurry." "R-right…,"she heard him mutter, and as she guided the teenager to safety, Fantine silently wondered if Fenrir managed to secure the dragon sphere. Remus ImahorriblebrotherIm sorry sorry sorry. Pleasebealright Remus dontdieIm sorry. His mind was racing, thousands of thoughts flying around at once, each one reminding him of his failure to protect Romulus. He swore that they were just on that ship, where Romulus blood was spilt; his body twisted and broken, where he failed to protect him. He was a failure. He was a failure. He was a failure. How strange, when did they return to the SkullKracken? Remus didnt know what was going on anymore. He ignored the intense pain he was in. But he failed at that, too, because it hurt to speak. Was his jaw damaged? Oh, right, he remembered getting kicked in the mouth by that vampire. He was such a failure. He cant even speak, cant even apologize to his brother for failing him. All he could do now was stay by his side in the medical room and watch over him as he rested, but even then Remus felt like a failure, because he felt so tired; so much in pain, that it was becoming hard for him to stay awake. He wanted so bad to lie down too, and rest his aching body, but, his brotherhis only brotherhe wanted to watch Romulus, stay by his side. "I failed you." Cepheus, Charlie, & Nemesis "Thank you for the blood, Cepheus, I needed that!"said Nemesis, followed by Charlie muttering a soft "Im sorry for wasting your time and taking your blood like this but thank you." "Youre welcome, Nemesis. And its fine, Charlie, I offered to help." replied Cepheus, who watched as the bite marks on his wrists began to heal. "See, you managed to hold your own against him! "Nemesis suddenly patted Charlie on the back, but the male vampire merely sighed and just felt uncomfortable. "I didnt really do anything though both me and that werewolf were fighting pretty half-heartedly. I dont deserve any praise, Nemesis." he replied, disappointed at his reluctance to fight and protect the ship. "What if somebody got hurt because I couldnt give it my allit would have been my fault if I let that werewolf injury anyone." "You did fine, Charlie." assured Cepheus absently, worried about the wound on his face. The boy finally managed to swipe his face with his claws and to Cepheus astonishment, they had not healed yet. There were three slash marks running down the middle of his face; ever since he was cursed he always healed quickly but unlike all of his other injuries, these slashes didnt seem to be healing at all. Was it because the child was a demon? He needed to remember to stay away from him if they ever crossed paths again. "Do you want to accompany to the supply room? I need to get something. We can check on Trixxtal and Videl, too." he suggested, wanting to find something to help the wound before he went to find Jecht. When the three of them entered the room, they nearly froze at the sight. "Videl!"shouted Nemesis, worried for her friend as she rushed to his side. "H-hes unconscious, the room is a wreck." Charlie commented nervously, joining Nemesis to try and help Videl. It was Cepheus who uttered the three words that made all three of them again shiver with fear. "Where is Trixxtal?"