[center]☆kakeru && gwendolyn☆ " There isn't anything else I can do...I'm sorry." Gwendolyn said, wiping the sweat from her brow. She wasn't able to completely fix Romulus' arm and leg, nor stop the pain either, but both bones were set back into place and with his advanced healing, he would be able to walk again in a few weeks. " You did everything you could Gwen, thank you." Kakeru smiled, wiping the blood from his hands with a dirty rag. The two had left Remus alone with his brother in the medical room so they could talk outside in the hall without disturbing them. Since getting back on the SkullKracken, Gwen had spent all of her time with Remus, casting little healing spells to try and fix his arm and leg. When she saw them for the first time, she felt like throwing up at the grotesqueness of it all, but she had sucked it up and went to work. Kakeru himself would have helped but his ofudas worked best on open wounds and most of Romulus' wounds were internal. " Some of the other crew are wounded too, do you have enough energy left to help them?" " Yes!" She suddenly said, light returning to her eyes, " I'll try my best Mister Yamamoto!" She scuttled off down the hall, determined to help anyone who needed it, and Kakeru breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried about her passing out from stress, but she seemed okay enough so he wasn't as concerned. He thought about going back to the medical room to force Remus to get his face looked at by Gwendolyn, but then he suddenly remembered the glass bottle he had in his pocket. Gwendolyn had handed it to him to hold when she had been healing Romulus and never asked for it back, and he had simply put it in his pocket and forgot about it. But now that he thought about it, she had said that it was something like a pain reliever, a special potion she brewed, and it would probably help Remus with his current situation. He quietly entered the medical room and approached Remus who was no doubt tormenting himself over Romulus' situation. Not one for the mushy stuff, Kakeru simply held out the bottle for him to take, " Here, Remus, take this. It'll help with the pain." ☆mariemaia☆ Steering the FlyingDeath brought back memories from when she was the Captain of her own ship and she found herself smiling as she directed the ship towards land. Her days as Captain had been fun, but her days as a crew member weren't bad either, especially with the crew she was in now. Speaking of the crew... " Where are those guys??" She asked herself, looking around the deck for any sign of life. Apart from the odd crew member passing by, she couldn't see any of the regulars like Cepheus or Videl. Infact, when she had went to look for Trixxtal to give him Jecht's orders, she couldn't find him either. Was there a party somewhere that she didn't know about? Why wasn't she invited?? " Hey! You!" She pointed to a random guy that passed by, beckoning him over. " You can steer right? No? Well today is your lucky day! You see that?" She pointed to the distance where the light from the city could be seen, even in the dark of night, " Well just head towards that and call me when we get close so we can get ready to dock. Ahaha! Don't look so scared, you'll do great!!" She roughly patted the guy's back and handed the wheel over to him. She made her way down to the lower decks, searching for where the metaphorical party was. " Hellllllo," She called out, waiting for someone to call back to her. As she passed the supply room door, she heard muffled voices in the distance. She opened the door of the supply room and smiled, finally finding everyone she was looking for, " There you guys are! What's going on?" She was the only one with a smile on her face, however, and she instantly knew something was wrong. In the corner, Protettore was crying and Cephus was trying to talk to him and Nemesis and Charlie were huddled around Videl, who was unconscious. This was not the party she had been hoping for. ☆protettore☆ " He's goneeeeeeeee!" Protettore cried, clutching Cephus' shirt as he cried into it. He had been hiding in a corner, unsure if the battle on the upper deck had stopped or not, when the three pirates came in. He instantly threw himself at Cepheus, his only friend on this awful cursed ship, and began to cry into his pant leg. " They took him!! They t-t-took T-t-t-trixxtal!" ☆videl☆ "Ay.....[i]dios mio[/i], my head..." Videl opened his eyes, noting how heavy they were. It was hard to keep them open and he felt them going cross-eyed for a few seconds and everything was blurry, but when he saw Nemesis and Charlie's heads hanging over him with worried expressions, he sobered up. Struggling to sit up, Videl used Nemesis and Charlie's arms for support. " W-What happened?" He blinked, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings. He heard a child crying somewhere in the room, which only made him more confused, and he looked towards Nemesis and Charlie for answers, spotting Mariemaia behind their shoulders.[/center]