[center] Remus Accepting the bottle without a word or glance at Kakeru, he continued watching his motionless brother. Romulus had yet to wake up but his lack of consciousness did not stop him from crying out in pain from time to time. Every whimper cracked Remus' heart further and, if he could move his jaw, he would ask if he could give this vial to his brother instead. He looked at the pain reliever once more, then back to Remus, before returning his attention back to the pain reliever. Finally, he made his decision and brought the glass to his lips, carefully drinking the liquid. "T-thank you..."he managed to say to Kakeru, his jaw already feeling slightly better, but it still pained him to speak. Cepheus Cepheus embraced the young child in a hug as he attempted to comfort him. "Shhh, it will be fine, we'll find him..."he said softly. "He'll be back...they took him because they want us to fight them again...so we'll have a chance at getting him back. And we won't waste that chance, alright?" Tori still wasn't soothed, but Cepheus didn't blame him. He had lost his family and all he had was...well, himself and the vampires. "I'll protect you until we find Trixxtal. Even, uh, from Jecht."he added, hoping Tori didn't notice the slight fear and hesitation in that promise, "Were you hurt in that fight?" Nemesis & Charlie Wait here, I'll go find some medicine for your shoulder Videl!" Nemesis hurriedly searched through the mess of supplies that had scattered during the apparent fight. "What happened is that we just received a death sentence."replied Charlie despondently, helping Videl stay on his feet. "The first mate has...been taken. We're dead. We're all dead the captain will kill us for letting this happen."he clarified gloomily. When Nemesis returned to the two males she began to apply some salve she successfully retrieved on Videl's bite wound, hissing at Charlie simultaneously. "Do you have to put it like that Charlie? Maybe we're mistaken! Mariemaia." Nemesis suddenly turned her head, looking desperately at the other female with hopeful eyes, "Please tell me that you've seen him?" Cepheus Still holding onto the sobbing Tori, he quickly interjected, "Well if Trixxtal is not here I am not going to be the one to tell Jecht." [/center]